Saturday, May 14, 2011

A New Look for DOOT

It's been 3 1/2 years since I started Days of our Trailers w/ the default 'Gun Blogger' template and decided it was time for a change. I've also added a separate page for the UM patches in lieu of the old post (which is still there).

I have the old template saved as it's no longer available so can switch back but tell me what you think.

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Natural Selection in Action

SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) – Travelers in the western U.S. should not rely solely on technology such as GPS for navigation, authorities said, after a Canadian couple were lost in the Nevada wilderness for 48 days.
This is what 'civilization' gets you. Darwin was right.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Counter attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One thing is fairly obvious. The antis have been reading the gun blogs and the comment threads on HuffPo in an effort to hone their position and use very specific language to try and frame the debate.

They’re also mimicking us to see if success rubs off.

I just got word that Josh Sugarmann’s latest study “Blood Money” and his rant about the audacity of businesses that make guns and shooting accessories would actually support the NRA and that people buying those products could freely choose to donate, has inspired gun-grabbers to counter the …

“NRA Ring of Freedom Corporate Partners”


“Illegal Firearms Attack Innocent Life,” ……otherwise known as IFAIL.

But let’s review the blatant concept plagiarism and see if you can spot the subtle differences.

Ring of Freedom has seven recognition levels:

Donate 5-10 million and receive the Harlon Carter award.
1-5 million gets the Joe Foss award.
500K-1 million gets the George Washington award.
250K-500K gets the Samuel Adams award.
100K-250K gets the Alexander Hamilton award.
50K-100K gets the George Mason award.
25K-50K gets the James Madison award.

IFAIL’s response???

1. The “Paul Helmke is Unemployed, Colin is King” award goes to anyone who can hold a press conference about gun control with more than one person in the audience. Otherwise known as the PHUCK.

2. The “Sugarmann Uncovering Concealed Carry Killers” award goes to anyone who can convince the Joyce Foundation to pay salaries for a gun control group that actually has more employees than reporters at a Brady Bunch press conference. Otherwise known as the SUCCK.

3. The “Ladd Everitt Malicious Mouth Insisting No Guns” award goes to anyone who knows how to Tweet and play sock puppet for his boss. Otherwise known as the LEMMING.

4. The “Jackass Appealing to Popularity Everyday Talking Elitism” award goes to anyone who can moderate comments down the Memory Hole that destroy their every argument using nothing but their own words. Otherwise known as the JAPETE.

5. The “ Abby Spangler Screeches” award goes to anyone who can force even the most ardent gun-grabber to click stop or at least lower the volume to a level which makes it impossible to actually hear what they’re saying. Otherwise known as the ASS.

6. The “Henigan Enlists Lying Lawyers, Even Republicans”, award goes to anyone who can keep a straight face in front of a camera while stating they have been dealing with 2nd Amendment issues for over 20 years yet still can’t even quote it correctly. Otherwise known as the HELLER.

7. The “Citizen Outrage Now Grows Relentlessly, Everyday the Slippery Slope ” award goes to anyone who actually carves out time to read the legislation our critters are crafting for us. Otherwise known as the CONGRESS.

Satire has its place. If used with some thought behind it, it can be a very powerful arrow in our quiver.

Sure, have facts and raw logic as the opening salvo, but some of the fence-sitters and neutrals don’t really have an “Ahh-Haa” moment until you make them laugh.

Never forget that.

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2011 'Gunnie' Awards

Via LuckyGunner. The best of the gun blogs.

Go vote for your favorites. Somehow Days of our Trailers got nominated under 'Entertainment'. (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more) As if I have a chance.

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Something Relevant: UM Pink Patch Poll Redo

I was wrong. The poll for the new UM PINK colored patches got dumped. Please recast your vote at the side.

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Blogger decided to take a dump for the last day or so. Things seem to be working now. I'll post something relevant later.

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

PuSH'er Nonsense Catching Terrorists? or Encourage Them?

Two men were arrested in NYC trying to buy grenades and gun to attack a synagogue. That seems to be a common thread in these, wannabe terrorists trying to buy explosives etc.

It's also a common theme among PuSH'ers and the media (but I repeat myself) that you can buy grenades, AK-47's and machineguns on any street or gun show for pennies and no background checks.

So is the nonsense put out about how easy it is to buy grenades etc. helping to catch these wannabee's or encouraging them to try?

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

UM Patches: Jumping on the Pink Bandwagon

Not every shooter is into subdued colors or even bright yellow so it was suggested to me I make some alternative colors for the UM patches. Here's what I've come up w/ so far.

The "SNIPER" could also be done in the UM Infantry or Marksman Logos. So what would DOOT readers like to see as the first installment? Take the poll and leave a comment.

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How @CSGV #Bigot Ladd Everitt Justifes #Trolling

They convince themselves of what they 'want' to be true. No evidence. No support. Just outright BS.
they've been harassing people - mostly women - anonymously for way too long.
Yep. Ladd Everitt riding in on his sway-backed gelding to defend all those poor defenseless women we're being mean to. They might get a case of the vapors and faint otherwise unless he's there to protect them.

This is all in response to his latest "research, strategic engagement and effective policy advocacy." that his organization is pursuing in their efforts to restrict firearms.

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More Reasoned Discourse from Texas Gun Banners

Yesterday I mentioned a pro-victim FB page that started blocking people and asking 'non-Texans' to leave after their desire for attention didn't get result in the 'right kind'.

Well today ALL those posts and comments have gone down the memory hole and it seems like few pro-rights comments are making it through.

Another 'former' commenter that summed it up perfectly:
if they can't beat us, they get rid of the evidence of even trying
They have established non-discussion as their pattern.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

@CSGV's Ladd Everitt Took My Magic

They have learned my name. They have stripped me of my magical powers to control the blogosphere. Oh woe is me.

In other words, Ladd Everitt has gotten so desperate after having his @ss handed to him over and over and the recognition of their own insignificance in national affairs that he 'outed' me on the CSGV's FB page and Twitter.
For those who've been harassed by gun rights activist "Thirdpower" (@), his real name is Roy Kubicek.
40 minutes ago
You know. Nevermind that I have my name published here on DOOT so people can order patches and have it publicly linked to my FB page for several years now, I apparently have been 'hiding out'.

They bring the funny:
Interesting find here, too, is that an insurrectionist militia member from Illinois has talked to members of the NRA leadership.
Would you like photos Ladd? Howabout some video?

Their big 'threat': Many more to come.

Scaaarrrey. But I was the first one they thought of. That made my whole day.

They've officially devolved from gun ban activists to internet trolls. Not very observant ones at that.

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Why They Oppose Gun Ownership

Ladd Everitt at the CSGV:
The only reason someone would "need" a semiauto assault rifle is to go to war w/ our gov't.

He said the same thing about 'Combat Rifles' before as well. So owning any long arm is an admission (to him) of wanting to kill police and military.

Well we know what he would do w/ a gun if he had one. Classic projection.

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