Saturday, October 1, 2011

Weekend Wildlife

Had the camera out last week in a spot I haven't used for awhile. Since I had my SD cards w/ me for the conference, the on camera memory only held a few but they had some good ones.


I love the sky in this one.

Spike and friend

Big Boy startled.

Gorillas Deer in the Mist

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Night Self Promotion

So it's Friday night and I feel like a little bit of narcissism. If you are on Facebook, you can follow DOOT there:

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So be a man (or woman) and have the courage to follow Days of our Trailers.

Or don't. It's Friday, you should be out w/ your family and/or shooting.
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WAVE Lying to Lose

After months of PSH resulting in a net loss for their campaign to keep Wisconsin-ites defenseless, the Joyce puppet WAVE flat out lies in order to retain any semblance of influence:
Bonavia says they are calling on businesses to ban guns from being carried inside. She says similar steps have been taken by about 80-percent of the businesses in other states that allow concealed carry.
HorseSh!t. I mean come on. Unless they think that noone in their state travels anywhere outside of the borders, they have to know that is flat out nonsense. So why would they make a claim like that?

Oh right. The only thing they can do is lie.

H/t to
Stephen Wright

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Thursday, September 29, 2011


Another one of those devil spawned, undead e-mail forwards seems to be making a resurgence. This is the one where George Soros is buying up all the firearm/ammo companies in the US so he can shut them down. It goes something like this:
Some people worry that this Freedom Group is going to control most of the firearms companies in the United States.

If you control the manufacturers you can decide to stop selling to civilians.What a perfect way to control guns.

Now if you do somedigging you will see that The Freedom Group is owned
by a company called Cerberus Capital Management. Guess who controls
Cerberus??? GEORGE SOROS !!!!!!!!! One of the most evil men on this
planet who wants to restrict or ban all civilian guns.

Please pass this on to all your freedom loving friends. This needs to come out.

Why have we not heard about this in the "mainstream" media? I would think this would be BIG news.
Freedom Group owns a ton of firearm and ammo manufacturers. True

FG is owned by Cerberus. True

Soros owns Cerberus. False or at least highly improbable and unable to be confirmed.

Cerberus was started and is owned by Stephen Feinberg. No reputable sources I have found (ie WSJ, Businessweek, etc. ) list Soros in any way connected to Cerberus. Most are just blogs or message board comments copy/pasting the same or similar 'warnings' like the one above. Occasionally a few 'Soros & Feinberg' statements have been added to them to give them some credibility.

The warnings themselves started as email forwards in late '09/early 2010 when FG attempted to go public w/ stock and they bought up Barnes Bullets.

So while Soros IS out to get your guns through IANSA, it's not through Cerberus or Freedom Group.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Selective Outrage

Ladd Everitt of the CSGV tweeted about a man arrested in MI who had 4K lbs of explosives and allegedly made 'anti-gov't statements' using a quote located nowhere in the linked article.

No mention, however, of this event, an MA individual planning on blowing up the Pentagon, Capitol building, and as many Americans as he can, arrested by the FBI after accepting delivery of guns and explosives.

So what qualifies one to be an 'insurrectionist' as per the CSGV if nut #2 hasn't made the cut?

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I've been writing this crap for four years now and you all have been reading it. Don't any of you have lives?

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Why Are Gun Control Activists So Violent?

A comment received on Huffpo:
Gun education with live ammo should be taught before potty training. Logo branded holsters with .25 cal automatics for small hands should be seen as a fashion statement in kindergarten. Tasers should be allowed to help kids "tag" each other in playground games. The faster this herd culls itself, the better.
Desiring the violent death of children. Stay classy Anti's.

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Guilty until proven innocent

And then you're still guilty.

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'Authorized Journalists' 'Race to the Bottom' in Intelligence

Take a look at the majority of anti-gun leaning op-ed's over the last week or so. You'll notice a phrase in common. "Race to the bottom".

A phrase conveniently used by the Joyce/Soros funded 'Media Matters' in an article dated Sep. 12th and which has been spread among the journo-sphere like an e-mail from Bill Gates promising you money to hit 'Forward'.

At least they make it easy to know where they get their talking points from.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Accuracy = Racism?

So when the media doesn't pander to Obama and transcribes a speech exactly how he presented it, it's now a 'code' for 'racism'.

Someone call 'AttackWatch'.

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Does the NYPD have MANPAD's?*

From the NY Daily News:
The NYPD can take down terror planes from the skies, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Sunday night.
The city's top cop answered with a firm "Yes" when "60 Minutes" interviewer Scott Pelley asked if the New York City police had the equipment and training to do so.
"Do you mean to say that the NYPD has the means to take down an aircraft?" asked Pelley.
"Yes, I prefer not to get into the details, but obviously this would be in a very extreme situation," Kelly answered.
"You have the equipment and the training?" the CBS interviewer asked.
"Yes," Kelly said.
So they're not planning on taking them down w/ helicopters armed w/ .50 cals. They're talking Air Defense Artillery like the Stinger.

Unless they have teams prepped and ready 24/7 around the entire city, there's not a chance in hell of them taking down an aircraft that's heading towards a target. Assuming they did spend money on these systems, it's just another waste of tax-payer dollars for feel-good measures to make it look like they're doing something.

This is also another example of how the police are becoming militarized. Now they're going to have to justify the expense and maintenance of this idea. How long will it be before some prop-job Cessna or helicopter full of tourists gets declared a 'threat' and is shot down over the city?

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*Man Portable Air Defense