Whoever writes under the Brady Campaign's name now is really hurting their cause. SIH has noted
their Twitter and Report debacles. Their
Huffpo screeds are just as amateurish. Take for example this line:
Yet three years, 400 legal challenges, and "millions of dollars in [NRA] legal bills" later, all the gun lobby has had to show for its efforts is affirming the right of the people to have strong gun laws short of a total handgun ban.
So they falsely and dishonestly imply that the NRA was behind all '400 legal challenges when the link to the NRA they provide says this:
Not all of those cases are ours, of course. Many have been brought by other organizations or individuals, or raised by defendants in criminal cases.
The majority of those cases are 'felon in possession' and are going to lose. They're just using the modern Twinkie defense.
What isn't mentioned is McDonald, the recent case in San Fran that is progressing, and the bitchslapping Chicago took in Ezell. Wonder why? Oh right, because those cases, actually by the NRA and/or SAF, are proceeding exactly as planned.
But the evidence that this was written by a Brady die-hard and clearly showing just how far they've fallen in the IQ realm? Their closing paragraph:
The NRA's dreams that District of Columbia v. Heller would result in a free-for-all of gun-toting teens and AK-47 arsenals has so far been soundly rejected.
Seriously. All that remains is their base of
ignorant fanatics. The
VPC can tell you how successful maintaining that strategy is.