I just want to note that the "NRA Blacklist" and "Stop the NRA" websites linked in the article, once run by the Brady Campaign, are both defunct.
Have a nice day.
...when it comes right down to it, it doesn't really matter what the statistics say, you are convinced, to the level of religious faith, that guns are BAD, BAD, BAD and so you will dismiss and ignore any information that would tend to shake that faith.That's pretty normal from gun control advocates. They can't fathom anything outside of their belief system (see Joan Peterson) so they respond w/ ad hominems, emotional appeals, insults and character attacks.
---SailorCurt to anti-gun pundit Jack Dunning.
"It is obvious you are clearly uneducated"A character attack. What a good way to start a discussion.
and haven't a clue how these guns end up in the wrong hands.Really? Primarily through the hands of criminals. (note that word)
"If incarcerating criminals goes so far then let me ask you this oh wise one. Why are we letting them out of prison to once again commit more crimes and harm innocent children and adults?"Because the so-called 'justice system' is more concerned w/ plea bargains and 3 drink lunches than actually helping society by putting away violent criminals. You don't seem to mind violent criminals as long as they don't have a gun. Why do you think it's better for the other 80 million firearm owners to be left defenseless against these violent criminals you admit are being let out?
"Any ex con can get a gun out in the street off of Craigslist on go to another state and get one, hell even idiots over the net will sell them to."Craigslist has a "No Gun" policy. And to purchase a firearm over the net still requires it to go through an FFL. 'Going to another state' is a federal felony. All policies that are already illegal or not allowed. So who 'hasn't got a clue'? If you're seeing these things, are you reporting them? Or do you not trust the 'Justice System' enough to bother?
"Are they going thru a background check when they purchase them this way? No their not cause the person selling them to the ex con doesn't give a shit if they shoot up your family they just want the money."So making another law that criminals 'don't give a sh!t' about will stop crime? You make my point for me. How does disarming ME stop the criminals who will be violent no matter what?
"Live a little and see how the real world operates you must be in lala land if you think this shit don't happen! "I do live in the real world and am quite familiar w/ what happens. You, however, Mr. Bravely Anonymous, don't seem to have any clue as to what the laws are. And I know it happens. That's why I work to make sure people can defend themselves while individuals like yourself prefer to remain victims.
All w/ multiple 'favorite' clicks. That last one followed immediately by this:
Rethugricans promoting 2nd amendment rights to assassinate those who disagree with them - what's so shocking about that?
Of course, republicans are pro-child murder so that's not surprising. Child murder is usually a very profitable business and offering a free gun is a good way to draw in the money matters more than morals crowd.
This is intended as a crude warning, ala Don Corleone. They're telling her not to run again.
They actually wanted the actual weapon but the "evidence" was held for the trial ....... Figured it would draw more ticket buyers ..... Oh well ...
Perhaps we can encourage the lucky winner to shoot themselves in the head as a great way to meet Jesus.
Republicans and an utter lack of class: the real constant in American politics.
...The real scandal here is America’s refusal to curb the flow of gun traffic from the United States to murderous cartels in Mexico. That failure stems from National Rifle Association pressure on Congress to keep the ATF weak and from President Obama’s reluctance to confront that political obstacle...Again, nevermind the fact that "O"'s nominee for the job is an anti-gun hack If the 'Acting Directors' were so incompetent, they shouldn't have been their in the first place.
...But to set the demoralized bureau straight it needs a permanent director. It has been without one for five years, as the gun lobby’s bipartisan claque blocks any move that would allow the bureau to better do its job...
"Despite setbacks in court, gun owners are winning on the political front."There are no 'setbacks in court'. The important cases like Shepard and Ezell to name a few are moving forward exactly the way they were planned. The Brady Bunch knows this and are prepping their resumes.
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