Saturday, March 7, 2015

'Prom-munism' Meme

So a HS decided to go really unique and have a Communist themed prom.  I personally find that funny as hell being a teacher,  history buff, and having grown up during the end of the Cold War.

So how will it go?

There will only be one couple on the ballot for Prom King and Queen. Immediately after inauguration, they are executed along w/ their entire family.

20% of the kids show up in Trabants.  The rest have to walk.

The 'Cool' kids wear Ushankas and great-coats. Everyone else wears grey or green fatigues.

There is no food or punch but LOTS of Vodka.

Music is all marches and is only played for 1 hour because that's when the electricity is shut off.

Add your own.

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So it seems that the BATFEIEIO got caught w/ their pants down after being called on the fact that they removed the M855 exemption before any 'comment period' so now they've put out a 'Notice of Publishing Error":
Please be advised that ATF has not rescinded any armor piercin g ammunition exemption, and the fact they are not listed in the 2014 online edition of the regulations was an error which has no legal impact on the validity of the exemptions. The existing exemptions for armor piercing ammunition, which apply to 5.56 mm ( .223) SS 109 and M855 projectiles (identified by a green coating on the projectile tip), and the U.S .30 - 06 M2AP projectile (identified by a black coating on the projectile tip), remain in effect....

ATF apologizes for any confusion caused by this publishing error.
Bullsh!t.  There was no 'publishing error'.  They were just hoping noone would actually slog through hundreds of pages of boilerplate and beaurocracieze and notice it missing.

HT to Dave Hardy

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Friday, March 6, 2015

M855 Ammo Already Banned?

According to Townhall, the BATFE-EIEIO removed the exemption of M855 a month before the comment period was even opened:
A review of the timeline: 
January 2015: ATF published a new, OMB approved Regulation Guide stripping AR-15 "green-tip" from its armor piercing exemption list.
February 2015: ATF proposes a ban (which they've already put in place through their handbook published in January) on AR-15 "green-tip" ammunition and opens up a comment period. 
March 16, 2015: The comment period about the proposed/already implemented ban on AR-15 "green-tip" ammunition closes, ATF ignores tens-of-thousands of comments because they were never going to consider them in the first place, and continues with the regulations outlined in the new 2014 Regulation Guide.
This is not democracy. This isn't even a Representative Republic.  This is ruling by bureaucratic fiat. 

So are all the individuals that bought/sold this ammo after Jan now felons?

The ATF needs to have their funding reduced.

Here's the link to the guide.  Pg 190

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Teleprompter in Chief Strikes Again

So some planted question at a town hall allows Bummer to throw out a really badly thought out meme attempt:
“As long as you can go in some neighborhoods and it is easier for you to buy a firearm than it is for you to buy a book, there are neighborhoods where it is easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is for you to buy a fresh vegetable, as long as that’s the case, we’re going to continue to see unnecessary violence,”
I guess the whole "More regulated than Teddy Bears' trope has lost its flavor. Seriously, did Biden get put in charge of the teleprompter?   He does stick w/ some of the classics though:
“Our homicide rates are so much higher than other industrialized countries,” he added, and blamed the accessibility to guns for that.
And then he gets to throw out the strawmen about firearm advocates:
“In some places it goes the opposite direction. People say we should have firearms in kindergarten and have machine guns in bars. You think I’m exaggerating,” Obama said.
This isn't exaggerating, this is lying and the only reason he's doing it is to try and pander to his low information base. 

This is, as one commenter put it, the same President that made guns more accessible to Narco-terrorists by shipping thousands of them to Mexico.

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More Bloomberg Astroturf

Seems an employee for 'Everytown' is going around posting, pretending they have actual grassroots
Anyway, I did an IP trace and found that the address was owned by Bloomberg.  It makes sense, since I also found out that she works for Bloomberg via Everytown For Gun Safety.  Her Disqus account is active, and features snark, misdirects, sarcasm, insults, and most of all, prose designed to demoralize and demonstrate the complete impotence of whatever group she is berating at the moment.  The prose is designed to cause depression and dejection.
Here is the lesson.  Bloomberg is paying her to visit web sites – particularly gun rights web sites – and spread discontent and dejection.
Like when Ladd Everitt of the CSGV was posting under his pseudonym and supporting his own articles.  Not that this comes as any real surprise but now one wonders how many different accounts they're posting under.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Those Gun Owner Butts

So that CA resident who is obsessed w/ other people's genitalia and sexual performance is allegedly himself a firearm owner.  It's been a fairly typical conversation w/ an ignorant who suffers from NRA-Hate nor cares about any other firearms but his (alleged) own, adhoms, insults, no actual argument/evidence, red herrings, the usual:


And those grapes were probably sour. 

 I'm sure there will be more.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Malarky 'Tuesday'

Stealing from Joe a bit, just had to share this bit from the ISRA FB page:

Yep, reasoned discourse at its finest.  This individual is some sort of manager at a hospital in CA.  Think he's not pushing for restrictions through the 'health crisis' meme? 

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