I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the Brady Campaign getting all bent out of shape about Starbucks, trying to figure out what their true motive is. I know that most gunnies have already moved onto other matters, but I usually need to digest things a bit longer and find the root cause before I can dismiss it.
First a brief recap.
BC hollers at Obama and is ignored.
BC hollers at Congress and is ignored.
BC hollers at the SCOTUS and is ignored.
BC hollers at the NBA and is ignored.
BC hollers at Lady Gaga and is ignored.
BC downgrades yet again and starts hollering at Starbucks……and is ignored.
I don’t believe the Bradys are silly enough to think that going business to business could ever be a winning strategy for them nor cost effective for their limited resources. Heller put a rain cloud over federal level bans and McDonald will soon expand that thunderstorm over the 50 states and all the locals within. But attacking individual businesses? They might as well come out and say, we suck because this is all we have left. I thought that at first but something just didn’t smell right.
I had the radio on in the background while thinking about this the other day and some talking head was recounting the latest and greatest celebrity scandal.
He mentioned, “There is no such thing as bad publicity, once people stop talking about you, your career is on the brink.”
That’s when the light bulb went off.
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, Starbucks is somewhat of an American icon. They are symbolic. Picking a fight with them guaranteed news coverage. Every major media outlet covered the story. There’s youtube videos in abundance.
Starbucks has already said REPEATEDLY that they will defer to local and state law concerning the lawful open carry of firearms yet the Brady Campaign still won’t let up.
I believe that this is a simple attempt to keep their name in the news when everyone and their dog is ignoring them.
The Brady Campaign doesn’t fear sounding silly, they’ve made a lifestyle out of that.
They fear becoming irrelevant.
Some fears are unjustified, this one is not.