At the Prairie Capitol Convention Center for
IGOLD. I'll be updating the blog as things happen.
I'm sitting up in front if anyone wants to say 'Hi'.
David and Colleen Lawson
State Treasurer Rutherford has attended every IGOLD
MC Dave Lombardo (up) ISRA ED Pierson introducing panel guests.
ISRA VP Mike Weisman.
ISRA PRes. Don Moran. "We won't be scapegoats for Chicago's criminals"
Mary SHepard in her first public appearance. Quite a difference from
this photo (courtesy of the criminal enablers at the CSGV, Brady Campaign, MAIG, and Chicago)
Valinda Rowe introducing the heroes of Illinois.
Matt Wilson
Shawn Gowder
Mary Shepard
Otis McDonald
Todd Vandermyde No Bad Bills. No Compromise. Don't like it Gov. Quinn? To **** bad. (video later)
The dastardly
John Boch of GSL giving insurrectionist tips.
OFf to the march. More updates later.
The march and more:
Just how disgraceful is the state if Illinois? The flag flying over the capitol was shredded.
Rep Halbrook talking to voters. There were about a dozen in the group. I then spent about a half hour talking to him. FYI, he was wearing an IGOLD sticker.
Me w/ Valinda Rowe and Mary Shepard. My geek-out moment for the day. Especially when she asked for one of my cards w/ my site on it.
Sen Chapin Rose in his natural environment. He's been one of our strongest proponents of CCW.
Me and State Treasurer Dan Rutherford. His job is easy since the treasury's empty. ;)
Update: Hell has frozen over.
Coverage in the Chicago Tribune. More at
Illinois Carry.
ISRA FB page.