Why are we experiencing success?
Why are we winning?
A: Obama is politically smart and doesn’t want to rock the boat?
A: Eric Holder only needs to be bitch-slapped a few times before he learns not to pee on the carpet?
A: Hillary is…and always will be remembered as the phony-ass thick-ankled retard in a pants-suit who lost her destiny to someone who could blow better smoke up a broader set of butt holes? And you thought she’d be remembered for forgiving Bill over that whole splody on the blue dress deal. Not even close. The only thing that can beat fail, is epic fail.
A: Joe Biden is…………..Joe Biden?
A: Arne Duncan spent his only face time in front of the boob tube throwing the Brady Bunch under the bus?
A: Rahm Emanuel thinks that running the hell-hole that is Chi-town is a better deal than whispering sweet nothings about Chris Matthew’s leg shivers?
I could go on about all of the Messiah’s “czars” but my dinner is going to be ready soon and I’m just filling time to kill salmonella.
So what is it?
It’s one thing to say that we have grass-roots support and they have Astroturf, but what does that actually mean?
It means that the lowest levels of our movement are operating on a level in which we compete and win, on the highest levels of their movement.
Helmke has a blog. Henigan has a blog, Sugarmann has a blog. Horwitz has a blog. The absolute tippy-top of the anti leadership who demands a handsome salary for their “dedication” has nothing more than those who do this for free, and in our spare time.
The pendulum does not swing very far without an external force.
I didn’t join the NRA because I agreed with them.
I joined the NRA because they agreed with me.