Saturday, March 1, 2014

'Gun Death' China Edition

Stealing from Weer'd's playbook, we had an unpossible occurence in the gun-free utopia of the Chinese People's Republic.

28 dead and 113 injured by a mass knife attack at a train station.

So even if it were only the 5 suspects killed, that's over 5 dead and 22 injured by each one. (Edit: Some news agencies are reporting 10+ assailants)

So I don't believe this actually happened since we've been told over and over there could never be a mass killing w/ a knife.

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The Ukraine Mess

So there's reports and images all over the news stating that Russian forces are/have entering the Ukraine en masse.

This one shows a unit of 2S1 Gvozdika self propelled artillery allegedly in-country.

Others show convoys of BTR's and masked troops.

So what is the US going to do.  I'm thinking about the same as when Russian invaded Georgia and slapped them around for awhile.  IOW nothing.   What's the world going to do?  I'm thinking the same thing.

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Gun Show Weekend

Budget is a bit tight right now so I'm going to limit my purchases today to guns, knives, .308 & .223 dies, shell holders, batteries for the calipers, a case trimmer, walnut media, primers, bullets, brass and a rabbit fur-lined cod piece with a Swastika on it.

Oh yeah, and I'm down to my last 8 bricks of .22lr so I'll be on the look out for that too.

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

QOTD- editorial oversight edition

I was listening to NPR yesterday and heard the following gem...

"Residents(Syrian) were being dragged out of their homes and beaten with barrel bottoms."

I think they meant rifle butts but hey, barrel bottoms might catch on.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mom's Demanding 'Action' Don't Understand 'Concealed'

The adult dating site while whining about the new CCW law:
“If I see someone carrying a gun in public, in a store, how do I know if they have a permit or not?” Chen said. “Unless they paste their permit on their sleeve, it’s hard to tell a criminal from a law-abiding ‘good guy’ with a gun.”
Well for one, if they're not trying to rob you or the store while pushing their shopping cart and picking up a package of Doritos, you probably have nothing to worry about.  But we all know that's not really the issue, this is:
“I will definitely avoid patronizing a store that refused to post the sign,” Decraene said. “I want to feel safe while I’m shopping.”
It's got nothing to do w/ ACTUAL safety, it's her 'feeling' safe that's important and what MDA thinks laws should be based on.

And their supporters are just as stupid.
I say you should prove it. No one can tell. You can say anything. People should be able to feel safe while shopping or running errand.
Prove what you idiot? License holders have already 'proven' to the police that they haven't committed any crimes, are mentally stable, and have jumped through all the other hoops demanded to get the license in the first place.  Why should anyone have to 'prove' anything to you or any of your ilk? And again  the 'feel safe' routine.  I don't 'feel' safe w/ you being allowed to vote or breed.  I think you should have to 'prove' you're competent to do either.

It's OK.  We understand that to you, all firearm owners are stupid, knuckle-dragging 'untermenschen' and you would have no problems w/ uniformed authorities saying to us 'papieren bitte'.

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Monday, February 24, 2014

A Nation of Men, Not Laws

In DC, the same prosecutor who declined to charge media pundit Gregory for illegally having a 30 rnd magazine, on television, is throwing the book at a guy for having a single, spent, shotgun shell

These are the types of actions taken in the cause of 'safety' and 'common-sense' gun laws.  Is it any wonder we distrust any and all attempts to pass more laws?

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Movie Review: Ender's Game

Full disclosure, it's been quite a few years since I read the book but I still remember much of it vividly.  That being said, I really enjoyed the film adaptation. Unlike some (many), it wasn't just the names of the characters/title and some piece of crap that Hollywood put together, for the most part, it stays true to the premise and storyline of the book.

There are of course some changes and many of the scenes don't get as indepth as the book leaving some of them, for want of a better word, hollow, ( I needed to explain some parts to the SO who hadn't read the book) but overall the screenplay does a very good job of capturing Card's world/vision. 

The most phenomenal part, to me at least, were the special effects and visualizations. When I first read the book, I envisioned the 'Ansible' battle scenes on a screen much like what you'ld see on the old Space Invaders' video game.  This movie took that, and the team competitions a the school, to a whole new, state of the art, level w/ fantastic graphics and imagery.

I'ld give it a 4/5 stars.  May not buy it but I would definitely watch it again.

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