Boy. That's a scary looking gun he's holding. What could it be?
Oh, right. It's a BB gun. Note how they cropped the photo to hide the CO2 cartridge at the bottom.
We can't work w/ them.
Hand grenades and RPGs are sold at gun shows all over the country. They could be sold by private sellers who may or may not require background checks.Petey Hamm, BC Spokesman:
Joe Sestak earned his stripes – I think he has rather profoundly higher standing to talk about defending the country from radical international terrorists than some derivatives dealer for Chemical Bank.Paul Helmke, BC President:
I think it’s the gun rights folks who have mischaracterized this issue all along. There just doesn’t seem to be anyone you guys don’t want to be able to get a gun. Just admit it, already…
"anyone — including gang members, people with severe mental illness, and domestic violence offenders — can buy a handgun from an unlicensed seller with no questions asked.Distortions, mischaracterizations, demonizations and outright fabrications every one.
Hand grenades and RPGs are sold at gun shows all over the country. They could be sold by private sellers who may or may not require background checks.
more than 2,000 felons have been released in the past three months, even though Quinn recently released a television ad that references early release and says he "took action and shut it down" and adds he "stopped it cold."...
That prompted a review of Corrections Department disclosures, which revealed that prisoners are being released almost daily under the discretionary early release program known as MGT or Meritorious Good Time.