§ 311. Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
prop�a�gan�da �audio� (prp-gnd) KEY �
1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.
2. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda.
As George Mason stated " I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials. -- George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 425-426." The militia consists of the entire populace. Not every aspect of that is toting a gun. The women who manned the factories during WWII were acting just as much in the defense of the country as were the men on the front lines.
One area that bloggers have become quite proficient at (as Laura Washington and others have discovered) is disseminating information about our cause and working together to do so. Our goal is not only to counter the misinformation put out by the 'mainstream media' but to educate and interest others in the founding principles of our nation.
In honor to those who work so diligently every day to do so, I put together a unit patch:

It is my honor and privilege to work alongside these folks for our cause.
As an aside, the image is available in several HTML formats (thanks to Robb Allen and Linoge) for adding to websites or blogs.
There are also patches available in color, tan, and green subdued, Stickers, Lapel Pins and other UM patches.
Feel free to contact me (thirdpower at hotmail.com ) if you are interested. If, however, your site advocates racist beliefs or illegal activities, it will behoove you to take a bath w/ a toaster beforehand.
Modern Militia Series
- Preface
- Part 1: The Uniform
- Part 2: Field Gear I
- Part 3: Firearms
- Part 4: Field Gear II
- Part 5: Vehicles
- Propaganda Corps

thank you!
Your Choice of slogan gave me a chuckle.
"Ultima Ratio Populusque"
That's exactly what I was going to have engraved on the receiver of my scoped Mauser in .300 Whisper. :)
Great minds think alike.
I love it. The Anti's should go absolutely out of their minds.
You wrote: "Our goal is not only to counter the misinformation put out by the 'mainstream media' but to educate and interest others in the founding principles of our nation."
Do you think you could include encouraging people to actually join an active militia unit?
Sir! Request permission to post your patch at my blog. Sir!
(with link if I can figure out how…)
Pop me an e-mail and I'll send you the code courtesy of Sharp as a Marble and View from the City.
Walls of the City. Walls. :P
I will forgive you, however, for honoring me by including me in the Propaganda Corps... Definitely looking forward to spreading the good word.
I was wondering about that thing the snake is wrapped-around - hoping in defiance of the BATF and NFA that it was an RPG. :-)
How about a "Marksmanship Corp" for those people who participate in the monthly e-postal matches?
I'd like to put this on my blog also; please send me the code to votefordavid -X- yahoo.com.
What's the charge for one of those patches?
OK, I have the logo and roll up, I have people wanting to join and as soon as I see my blog included I'll send an invite to my list of bloggers and gun folks...
TexasFred's Blog Rolls
Bravo! With your permission, I will add this to my blog. What a great idea! Link to your site will be included, of course.
Bravo! With your permission, I will add this to my blog. What a great idea! Link to your site will be included, of course.
I'd like to add it as well, if you don't mind to http://www.newbieshooter.com
I'd like to add your patch to my blog if you don't mind. Have a quick look at my blog and see what you think. If it's okay to add your patch, please let me know.
If you'd prefer I didn't please let me know as well.
I would like to add this patch to my blog, please feel free to look through it.
Though it may be more economic/libertarian at it's heart, I am a huge 2nd Amendment supporter.
This may be late, but I would love to join the corps.
I'd like to join, too.
Certainly. Send me an e-mail via my profile (I couldn't find yours) ,and I'll send you all the relevant details and code
would love permission to join.
I've been reading your blog for a while now, and have decided to join your merry band of patriots :-).
I'll add the UMPC logo to my blog with a link back here, and add you to my "best of" blogroll.
Keep up the good work!
Would love to add the patch and image to my blog. Please let me know if that's acceptable to you.
Sure. Just pop me an email and I'll send the various html codes.
Where are the Press Credentials suitable for lamination?
wow. after almost a year, can i really be the first person to have spotted your minor bug?
you correctly turned the "U" into a "V", in keeping with ancient Roman spelling that didn't have a separate letter "U"... but you missed the second "U", in "populo".
Thank you for allowing me to use the logo on my blog.
I'd love to post this to my blog, if you don't mind. Ramble on over when you get a chance and let me know what you think.
Probably should have pointed you in the right direction, I have two blogs -
Requesting permission to post Propaganda Corp image on my website.
Mr Fixit
Yes. Contact me via E-mail.
So I'm a bit late here, but, thanks for the resources!
Can I add the patch to my blog, too? Even if I'm Organized Militia (Nat'l Guard)?
You certainly can. Pop me an e-mail if you would like HTML codes.
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