Screw them. Decades of overspending and buying votes w/ perks is what has put us into this mess in the first place. Whenever a cut was proposed, they came out and threatened to cut spending on 'police and schools' which caused the rest of the legislators to cave so they wouldn't lose the propaganda war and keep their seats. They've been driving businesses and residents out for years and their tax and spend proposals will only continue that. Most people can barely make ends meet now. Go ahead and jack up taxes and fees some more. See what happens.
This state is billions in debt w/ nearly the lowest credit rating and they want us to shell out more of OUR money in the idea that we can trust them to spend it wisely? The ONLY thing they'll do is throw it away in more pork and perks while services will continue to decrease. Seriously, anyone who thinks the spenders will do the right thing are acting like naive partisans who have either been ignoring or are blind to what's been going on.
The only possibility of a fix right now is a harsh belt tightening. Paring down the pork filled useless agencies. Cutting spending near universally across the state. Giving businesses a reason to open up in Illinois to increase jobs and revenue.
Not one more dime for them to spend until they can prove they can spend it responsibly. They work for us, not the other way around.
Example of a stereotypical gov't employee. I worked for a historical site some years ago. Myself and several other employees developed plans to drastically cut costs, maintenance, and make more efficient man hours through partnerships w/ other agencies and by increasing crop production. I cut a deal w/ IDOT to plow our roads which saved us several days of work since we didn't have the equipment to do the job quickly. The site director nixed the idea. We also spent a few hundred dollars on fertilizer which increased our crops to the point where we were not only self-sufficient in feeding our animals but we had surplus to sell. That in lieu of spending about two thousand plus on feed every year. You guessed it. Site director nixed the funding for fertilizer. The site is at about 25% operation of what it was when I worked there.