Saturday, August 24, 2013

Us vs Them Part Something

So a national organization funded by left-wing billionaires and using professional activists to push the president's agenda w/ the alleged support of '90%' of the public holds a rally in the state capitol.  10 people show up.

A couple of gun lobby insurrectionists not paid by the NRA put out an email for a townhall in the 'burbs.  About 250 people show up.

And one Anti.  Lee Goodman, an anti-gun fanatic wanting to be a 'big fish' decided to come and hear what Todd Vandermyde had to say.  Todd said 'Hi'

So according to the PuSH'ers, there should have been about 2200 people packing the hall to denounce CCW.  There should be tens of thousands swamping Springfield to counter IGOLD.  Elliot Fineman really should have a membership of about 14 million in the NG(V)AC.

They don't.  Instead they have paid, professional 'activists'/agitators like Petey Hamm and Paul Helmke (who disappear when the money goes away), a core of mouth foamers like Ladd Everitt and a smattering of 'causeheads' and other low-information voters.  The only reason the groups still exist is that they are funded by moguls like Soros, Bloomberg and the Joyce Foundation.  

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If Obama Had A Son......

He'ld be a Le'Genius.....

ST. PETERSBURG — Police arrested a 13-year-old boy on an attempted murder charge Friday, less than 48 hours after authorities said he shot another teenager who taunted him.
Le'Genius Wisdom Williams, of St. Petersburg, turned himself in to the St. Petersburg Police Department about 1:30 p.m...
 Williams, police said, was arrested in May after snatching a cellphone from someone at a bus stop. His family could not be reached for comment.
 Why do I suspect he's going to be a future 'victim of gun violence'?

H/T to GSL

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Not So 'Organized For America'..At Least in Illinois

Those tens of millions of people crying out for more gun control across the nation...... Well, apparently most of them were busy washing their hair or had headaches the other day.  In Springfield, 'Organizing for America's' rally (and I use the word in the loosest possible terms) had a whopping attendance of ....


Yes ten. 

Without a permit. 

So (after a phone call), the cops made them leave until they went to city hall to get one.

Read the story over at GSL

These are the professional, paid activists of the anti-gun lobby.  From reading off the names of terrorists to not being able pass Stats 101 or Geography 101 to not even knowing they need a permit, these are the mistakes of amateurs.  And these ignorant amateurs think they have the knowledge and the right to determine what YOU should be allowed to own. 

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Stupid Is As Stupid Does: The Mentality of the Starbucks Boycott

Gangbanger in what is essentially a giant 'gun free zone' (Chicago) shoots up a neighborhood then hides in a Starbucks bathroom where he's caught by police.

The response by a 'Mom Demandin' Lovin'?

Yeah, skippy went there for a cup of java because some Starbucks allow CCW.

It's really hard to believe that there are people this dense in the world and that they vote and breed.

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Real Grassroots

For some reason, some firearm companies don't entirely realize the background of their spokespersons.  A while back, HS Precision hired the FBI 'sniper' who murdered the woman at Ruby Ridge.

Now Troy Industries seems to be following the same pattern. Recently they hired ex Chicago PD Chief Jody Weis as an instructor.  True, Weis has an impressive background in firearms.  He also worked tirelessly to ban the majority of firearms that Troy Industries manufactures. 

Well, apparently that didn't last long.  From a member on IllinoisCarry:
Troy Industries is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. In recent months, we have been more vocal about our beliefs, choosing to align ourselves with companies and individuals who are like-minded.
In response to the reaction of our customer base, Jody Weis will not be joining the Troy Asymmetric cadre of instructors.

We value the thoughts and concerns of our loyal customers. Troy Industries and its affiliated companies are strong supporters of the Second Amendment and will continue to promote this right through our products, statements, actions and affiliations.

Thank you
Allyson Ranelli
Troy Industries, Inc
151A Capital Dr
West Springfield, MA 01089
413-788-4288 x116 Office
413-788-4610 Fax
They need to do a bit more background checking though as another one of their new 'instructors', Dale Monroe, was Lon Horiuchi's partner at Ruby Ridge and was also planning on 'taking the shot'.

I think some more calls are in order.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Anti-Gun 'Morality': When They Actually Come Out & Say It

You know that meme about anti-gunners that goes 'it's better to be raped and strangled than defend yourself w/ a gun?"  The mouth foamers at the CSGV actually went and said it:

CSGV self defense

Yes, according to them, YOU don't have the right to defend yourself or family w/ lethal force no matter what is happening. Children being stabbed to death in front of you?  Wife being raped and beaten ? You have to find some way to stop it other than killing. To them, the MURDERER and RAPIST has more 'rights' than you. These are the 'reasonable', 'common-sense' solutions they seek.

This is the mental disconnect these people have from reality. They don't care what lies they say or what happens to you as long as you don't have a gun and/or are prevented from using one in ANY capacity. 

Can there be any 'compromise' w/ someone who's minds are that diseased?

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

'Gun Buy Backs': Like We've Always Said

It's always been a meme that the 'good stuff' turned in at these so-called 'buy backs' tend to end up in the collections of the PD's or used by the PD itself. 

Well apparently some police DO need 30+ rounds when they go 'hunting'. 
Police purchased 150 high-capacity magazine clips — 46 of which will be retained for department use — for $20 apiece.
Of course no mention of who the 'one benefactor' was that funded this though.  Any guesses?

H/t to GSL

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Hollow Victory

This email from the Illinois Council against Handgun Violence's Colleen Daley:
As a result of your hard work, Governor Pat Quinn signed monumental gun safety legislation into law!   The new law, which we fought tirelessly for this past legislation session, requires background checks on the sale of ALL gun sales in Illinois and requires the reporting of lost and stolen firearms to law enforcement.
Thank you for helping make this new law a reality!
Public Act 98-0508, which was sponsored by Senator Kwame Raoul and State Representative Mike Zalewski, provides two of the strongest tools aimed at keeping guns from entering the illegal market.  This new law will help save lives and keep Illinoisans safe from deadly gun violence!
This is a VICTORY for all of us! 
To read the new law click here.  We encourage you to thank your legislator if they voted YES on this important measure.  To see the votes in the House of Representatives click here, and the Senate click here.
Thank you for all your hard work and vigilance in the fight to reduce lives lost to gun violence.  The fight doesn’t end today - as we have much more to do to keep people safe, but today we celebrate a victory! 
In Peace,
Colleen Daley
Executive Director
Wow!  Sounds like they really accomplished something doesn't it?  What was it?  Statewide ban on
'Assault Weapons'?  Nope.
Repealed Concealed Carry?  Nope
Full registration of firearms/ammo?  Nope. 

They got a law that on one hand has no penalties for not following it and has never been prosecuted on the other.

Good on you Colleen.  Really earning that Joyce Foundation paycheck there.

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A Handy Product

Found these things via a FB post and decided to order a few. They were cheap and looked neat.  Magnets to label your ammo cans w/ what they contain.

Seem to have a decent selection of the main ammo calibers.  I'll likely buy from them again.

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Signs Signs Everywhere The Signs UPDATE

Just a normal evening in Chicago where criminals can't read:
Five people were shot Monday evening in the Uptown neighborhood along a Safe Passage route outside a church that was holding a prayer service at the time, officials said.
Four shootings in the city since then have also left at least six people injured.
How dare they!?  Don't they know those are all 'Gun Free Zones'? The nerve of them.

Oh look. Gangbangers. Color me shocked:
Police sources said three of the victims are gang members. Two were innocent bystanders. Police sources said three different gangs in the area have been fighting for territory.
Allen said he heard the shooting was the result of one gang placing a hit on a rival gang member.
So how many laws were broken?  Passing another one will have stopped it? 

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Monday, August 19, 2013

The New IL Anti-Gun Bill Kerfluffle

Much ado is being made about the gun bill signed by Quinn today 'banning' private sales.  This was a bone thrown to the anti's during the CCW debates so they could declare a 'win' and not go suicide themselves.

Some dumb@ss 'law professor' even declared it the 'most stringent' in the nation. (He doesn't even know IL state law on long gun purchases from out of state).

Here's the reality.

It does nothing. 

It says that any private sale that uses the as yet non-existent service will be immune from civil prosecution resulting from any crimes committed w/ that firearm.
(2) All sellers or transferors who have complied
with the requirements of subparagraph (1) of this
paragraph (k) shall not be liable for damages in any
civil action arising from the use or misuse by the
transferee of the firearm transferred, except for
willful or wanton misconduct on the part of the seller
or transferor.
If you don't call the as yet non-existent number to get a verification? Nothing happens.
except that a violation of
subparagraph (1) of paragraph (k) of subsection (A) shall
not be punishable as a crime or petty offense.
So check the FOID cards and write down the number. Same as it's always been. 

The 'Lost or Stolen'?  I don't know of any case where that's actually been prosecuted. 

So again, this is a non-law thrown to the ICHV to shut them up.  It does nothing. Just something shiny to distract the prols from the fact that the IL economy is collapsing around us and the legislature has done nothing.

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Two Faces of Chicago

No, I'm not talking about the two faced/fork tongued politicians, but instead the sharp divide in violent crime.  Basically, in Chicago, you either live in a really nice neighborhood w/ little crime or you live in a craphole.  There's few in betweens.  Take a look at this map of homicide changes over the last decade:
 - Change in Chicago's homicide rate, early 90s to late 2000s. The areas in darkest green saw the greatest decline (as much as 80 percent); red means the murder rate increased.
For the most part, the neighborhoods that were dangerous got more dangerous. The ones that were safe, got safer. The NY Times put out an article on totals over the same period. It correlates almost exactly. 

Now take a look at the trend of those who registered firearms following the McDonald case (no longer necessary w/ the new CCW law) Image via John Lott:

So crime doesn't correlate to legal firearm ownership but instead to lower education and poverty levels. 


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