Guy who makes lots of mistakes in his youth turns his life around and goes straight. Family, honest employment helping people, the works.
But he makes several other mistakes. Big ones.
He changed his name to make things easier to move on, get a good job, not get labelled. Fair enough. But under his new name he is still a prohibited person.... and he went and got a gun.
How, you ask, can he do this with all of the licensing and background checks in place?
Easy... The system screwed up.... again and again.
Background check #1: FOID card. Mandatory for any purchase/possession of a firearm or ammo in the state. 30+ days for the state to conduct a background check. Falsifying information on the application is a class 2 Felony. (question 2)
Background check #2: Firearm purchase. NICS w/ the form 4473. State mandated 72 hr waiting period for handguns. Falsifying information on the form is a felony (question 11c) (assuming he purchased the weapon legally that is)
Background check #3: CCW. 90 days for background check w/ fingerprints, 120 days w/o fingerprints. 3-4 months for a simple court records search.
Him merely having the gun was a felony under any circumstance.
So two or three extended time background checks and waiting periods all failed.
But lets do it again... only harder.