The units listed here are typical of what one will use/encounter. Other Pre-Rain models/derivatives (such as the T-55, T-90, T-14) as well as German Leopards and numerous APC's and support vehicles are in service having been salvaged and refurbished for use by E.B.S.I.S ground forces.
T-72 MBT The standard tank of the E.B.S.I.S. Over 5,000 of these are in service, a combination of new production and Pre-Rain models from numerous locations across Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa. A modernized gun and improved armor make this equivalent to the default 'Tank' from the Robotech main book
Weight: 41.5 tons
Length: 23ft (6.2m)
Speed: 40mph
Crew: 3
Max. Range: 430 Miles
M.D.C. by Location:
Treads — 25 each side
Main Cannon — 30
Turret — 50
Main Body — 200
1. 125mm smoothbore main gun
Frag. 1D4mdc, HE 1D6mdc or HEAT 3D4mdc
Carries 40 rounds
Range: 4000m
RoF: 4/melee
2. Turret mounted 12.7 mm NSVT antiaircraft machine gun*
300 rnds
RoF: 4/melee
3. 7.62 mm PKT coax machine gun.*
T-80 MBT The second most common Soviet tank. Similar in outward appearance to a T-72, the T-80 series is much more difficult to produce due to advanced mechanical and firing systems. As a result, most T-80's are refurbished Pre-Rain models with approximately 3,000 in service. For game purposes, the primary difference is the increased armor protection, decreased operational range, and the main gun which is capable of firing short range missiles.
Weight: 43 tons
Length: 23ft (6.2m)
Speed: 43mph
Crew: 3
Max. Range: 275 Miles
M.D.C. by Location:
Treads — 25 each side
Main Cannon — 30
Turret — 50
Main Body — 225
1. 125mm smoothbore main gun
Frag. 1D4mdc, HE 1D6mdc or HEAT 3D4mdc
Carries 45 conventional rounds and 10 short range missiles, typical damage 1d4x10or 1d6x10
Range: 4000m
RoF: 4/melee
2. Turret mounted 12.7 mm NSVT antiaircraft machine gun*
300 rnds
RoF: 4/melee
3. 7.62 mm PKT coax machine gun.*
BMP-1/2 Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty 1 (Russian: Боевая Машина Пехоты 1; БМП-1) Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The BMP provides protection for motorized infantry soldiers in the harsh conditions present in many areas of the globe (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) while supporting other armored units with its gun and missile capabilities. Capable of carrying eight soldiers and their equipment and is fully amphibious. Another very common vehicle Pre-Rain, over 10,000 of these are in service among E.B.S.I.S. forces with large numbers currently being refurbished from caches discovered in the former Czech and Slovak Republics. Mix is about half and half older BPM-1's.
Weight: 13.2 tons
Length: 22ft (6.2m)
Speed: 40mph (5mph in water)
Crew: 3 +8 passengers
Max. Range: 400 Miles
M.D.C. by Location:
Treads — 10 each side
Main Cannon — 15
Turret — 25
Main Body — 75
1.(BMP 1) 73mm gun: HE 6D6 X 10 sdc or HEAT 1D6mdc
Range: 500m
40 rnd magazine
RoF: 4/melee
(BMP-2) 30 mm 2A42 autocannon
1D6 M.D. short burst, 2D6 M.D. long burst, 3D6 M.D. full melee burst
Range: 1500m
Payload: 500 rnds. 24 shells are fired per melee on a full melee burst, 12 in a long burst and 6 in a short burst
RoF: 4/2/1/melee
2. Mounted AT-3 Sagger Missile*
Capacity: 4 missiles
RoFL 1/melee
3. 7.62 mm PKT coax machine gun.*
BMD-1 Airborne amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle )Boyevaya Mashina Desanta (Боевая Машина Десанта, literally "Combat Vehicle of the Airborne") Basically a shortened version of the BMP IFV used to support Soviet Airborne forces. Approx. 1500 in service with 500-1000 more being refurbished.

Weight: 7.5 tons
Length: 17.7 (5.1m)
Speed: 50mph (6mph in water)
Crew: 2 +6 passengers
Max. Range: 375 Miles
M.D.C. by Location:
Treads — 10 each side
Main Cannon — 15
Turret — 25
Main Body — 50
1. 73mm gun: HE 6D6 X 10 sdc or HEAT 1D6mdc
Range: 500m
40 rnd magazine
RoF: 4/melee
2. Mounted AT-3 Sagger Missile*
Capacity: 3 missiles
RoFL 1/melee
3. 3x 7.62 mm PKT machine gun.*
2000rnds ea
1x coax, 2x front mounted
BTR-70 APC (бронетранспортер, BTR stands for Bronetransportyor literally "armoured transporter") A lightweight 8x8 wheeled vehicle equivalent to the RDF's AAR-Recon II but without the specialty electronics. Approx. 1000 in service, mostly from Pre-Rain Ukrainian, Romanian, and Belorussian military bases.Several dozen have been discovered in the ruins of Pakistan and are currently being refurbished

Crew: Three plus seven passengers.
A.R.: 12 (S.D.C)
M.D.C. by Location:
*Main Body — 10 M.D.C./1000 S.D.C.
Turret - 5 M.D.C./500 S.D.C.
Hatches (3) — 2 M.D.C./200 S.D.C.
Wheels (8) — 75 S.D.C. each
Headlights (2) — 10 S.D.C. each
*As always, depleting the M.D.C./S.D.C. of the main body
will totally shut down/destroy the vehicle. Further damage
will strike crew members.
Speed: 50mph (80kmph) maximum on land, 5.6mph (9kmph) in
Range: 600 miles (1287.2km)
Length: 25ft (7.6m)
Weight: 11.5 tons
1. 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun or 12.7 mm DShK machine gun*
500 rnds
2. 7.62 mm coax PKT machine gun*
2000 rnds
BRDM-2 Amphibious Scout Car (Boyevaya Razvedyvatelnaya Dozornaya Mashina, Боевая Разведывательная Дозорная Машина, literally "Combat Reconnaissance/Patrol Vehicle") A 4-wheeled armored vehicle used for reconnaissance and light infantry support. The standard version is armed w/ a 14.5mm heavy machine gun but a common variant is modified as an anti-armor unit capable of firing 5 Sagger-3 missiles (standard) or 5 short range missiles (uncommon). Approx. 2000 standard units and 200 anti-armor variants are in currently in service.

Crew: 4
A.R.: 10 (S.D.C.)
M.D.C. and S.D.C by Location:
*Main Body — 7 M.D.C./600 S.D.C.
Turret - 5 M.D.C./500
S.D.C.Wheels — 50 S.D.C.
Headlights — 10 S.D.C.
*If all M.D.C./S.D.C. of the main body is depleted, the
vehicle is destroyed.
Speed: 62mph (100kmph) land, 10 km/h (6.2 mph) (water)
Range: 470 miles (750km)
Length: 19ft
Weight: 7 tons
1. 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun *
500 rnds
5 AT-3 Sagger anti-tank missiles/standard short range missiles on an external rack w/ 10 more stored internally.* Missiles can be fired in 1,2,3,4 or all 5 rockets. Reloading requires exiting the vehicle and takes 1 melee/missile.
2. 7.62 mm coax PKT machine gun*
2000 rnds
ZSU-23-4 Anti-Aircraft Tank (Zenitnaya Samokhodnaya Ustanovka (Russian: Зенитная Самоходная Установка) With only about 3 dozen 'acquired' Raider X mecha in their arsenal, E.B.S.I.S. commanders needed to find a way to counter superior RDF air capabilities. To do this they turned to the ZSU-23-4 tank. While not as effective as a Raider X, the 4 barreled auto cannon mounted on the turret combined w/ improved radar guidance allows this vehicle to destroy Zentraedi mecha and can severely damage a Veritech fighter. It's major drawback is that it's relatively lightly armored, able to be damaged by conventional weapons and slow speed. ZSU-23-4's are usually assigned as multi-unit batteries (occasionally w/ a Raider X as a command vehicle) and should not be taken lightly.Only about 500 are currently in active service although large numbers have been located in North Africa and an operation in the South American region formerly known as Peru has uncovered several dozen. All are currently being refurbished for service.

Weight: 19 tons
Length: 21.5ft
Speed: 31mph
Crew: 4
Max. Range: 280 Miles
M.D.C/S.D.C.. by Location:
Treads — 10 each side
Main Cannon — 4 MDC (400SDC)
Radar - 5MDC (500SDC)
Turret — 10 MDC (1000SDC)
Main Body — 25MDC. (2500SDC)
1. 4 × 23 mm 2A7 autocannons
4D8 short burst (20rnds), 1D6x10 Long Burst (40 rnds), 2D6x10 Full Melee Burst (80 Rnds).
RoF: 4 short, 2 long, 1 Full Melee Burst
Capacity: 2000 rnds.
Effective Range 2.5 miles
Advanced Radar capable of tracking 38 targets out to 100 miles. Same as the replacement unit on reconditioned Raider X's.
BM-30 Medium Range Multiple Rocket Launcher (Russian: Смерч, "whirlwind") No Spartans have fallen into the hands of the Soviet Military so they had to (re)develop their own missile systems. Long range weaponry being beyond their capabilities at this point, the BM-30 is capable of firing 12 medium range missiles from it's launch tubes before needing to be reloaded. This provides much needed artillery support to E.B.S.I.S. forces engaged in heavy combat. Only about 150 of these are in service presently.
Weight: 43.7 tons
Length: 40ft
Speed: 37mph
Crew: 3
Max. Range: 530 Miles
A.R.: 6;
Main Body: 6 M.D.C./600 S.D.C.
Wheels (8) — 75 S.D.C. each
Launch Tubes (12): 1 MDC/100 S.D.C. ea.
12 Med. Range Missiles
RoF 1,2,3,4,6, 8, 12
* See E.B.S.I.S. Weapons for specifics.
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