Finally got a combination of (semi) decent weather and some time to hit the range today.
Took out the RIA 1911 and dropped 100 rounds through it.
The 1911 is going away. I've had endless problems w/ it since day one. The sights were (visibly) off so I sent it back to the factory where they replaced it. It still will not feed correctly, religiously not wanting to load the first two rounds out of any magazine then having regular problems after that. Doesn't matter which ammo I'm using. So yeah, it and all my .45 ammo is going on the table at the next show.
BUT, right before it started raining, the mail showed and these little doohickeys were in the box:
Headspace gauges for my Mosin. A quick check (all good) and I grabbed my bag and a box of ammo and ran back down to the range. It made a nice bang w/ less recoil than I expected.
The scope is off. Low and to the right. Just to make it sure it wasn't me, before I got deluged, I shot off a round using the iron sights. Dead center on a can of PAM at 25m.
The internal magazine is looser than what I'm used to on the Mausers so that will take me awhile to get used to but overall I'm happy w/ the rifle. I can definitely see the fascination w/ Mosins.
With luck the valley will not turn into a marsh or completely freeze over and I can get back down there w/ the table and I can zero the Mosin and the 10/22 w/ the scope I just put on it.
Overall a successful day IMO.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Bloomberg "Pharmacies and Poor People Cause Drug Crime"
King Bloomie is a complete lunatic. He's limiting the number of painkillers at city hospitals because he blames doctors for drug crime.
the number of pain pills currently being prescribed had even contributed to an uptick in violent crimes...
“You see there’s a lot more hold-ups of pharmacies, people getting held up as they walk out of pharmacies,” he explained. “What are they all about? They’re not trying to steal your shaving cream or toothpaste at the point of a gun. They want these drugs.”And when people run out? To bad so sad:
so you didn’t get enough painkillers and you did have to suffer a little bit. The other side of the coin is people are dying and there’s nothing perfect … There’s nothing that you can possibly do where somebody isn’t going to suffer,While Bloomie sits in his ivory tower w/ private doctors, publicly paid for security and a god complex the likes of which God doesn't even have.
"The shooting may have been gang-related"
That is a common refrain when it comes to murders in Chicago, home of some of the strictest firearm laws in the nation and 5x the homicide rate of the rest of the state.
None of that really matters though when anti-gun activists will try and focus the entire debate on the headline:
Boys, 14 and 15, killed in separate shootings Friday
At least one was a 'good boy' who never did anything wrong. OK, sure.
Again though, the facts behind it don't matter when it comes to emotional diatribes. It doesn't matter if there's a juvie record a mile long, if they're school drop outs or were involved in illegal drugs. The ONLY thing that anti-gun fanatics will say, over and over, is that two 'children' were 'killed by guns'.
No focus on the other gang bangers involved.
Only the guns.
None of that really matters though when anti-gun activists will try and focus the entire debate on the headline:
Boys, 14 and 15, killed in separate shootings Friday
At least one was a 'good boy' who never did anything wrong. OK, sure.
Again though, the facts behind it don't matter when it comes to emotional diatribes. It doesn't matter if there's a juvie record a mile long, if they're school drop outs or were involved in illegal drugs. The ONLY thing that anti-gun fanatics will say, over and over, is that two 'children' were 'killed by guns'.
No focus on the other gang bangers involved.
Only the guns.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Authorized Journalist Fail
MLK day is January 21st.
The SAF is holding its 'Gun Appreciation Day' on January 19th.(I'm planning on getting some range time in)
Dumbass Journalist (bolding in original) :
This is the kind of sloppy, emotionally driven drivel that we see from PuSH'ers when it comes to firearms. Even basic facts don't matter.
The SAF is holding its 'Gun Appreciation Day' on January 19th.(I'm planning on getting some range time in)
Dumbass Journalist (bolding in original) :
Anyone who thinks they picked January 19th, which happens to be Martin Luther King Day, by accident is terribly mistaken: By choosing to hold their “kiss your gun day” at the same time most sane Americans will be recalling a man who died by gunfire and lived his life for peace, the gun lovers are going for maximum publicity and news exposure.Please tell me if I'm missing something.
This is the kind of sloppy, emotionally driven drivel that we see from PuSH'ers when it comes to firearms. Even basic facts don't matter.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
There Is No Gun Confiscation Plans...
Until there is.
A 'Slippery Slope' is a logical fallacy where an argument is taken one step at a time to a ridiculous conclusion. One could call this one except for the fact that over and over politicians have proven they cannot be trusted and WILL eventually try and ban guns.
Take a look at Sebastian TBFKASIH's post on what NY is trying to pass:
Incremental steps like this will continue until you get politicians saying things like :
So next time you hear about 'compromise' or 'reasonable gun control', just remember what they're really after.
A 'Slippery Slope' is a logical fallacy where an argument is taken one step at a time to a ridiculous conclusion. One could call this one except for the fact that over and over politicians have proven they cannot be trusted and WILL eventually try and ban guns.
Take a look at Sebastian TBFKASIH's post on what NY is trying to pass:
Currently, licenses for handguns are issued by the county in which the gun owner lives. With few exceptions, licenses are valid for life. .... once a license is obtained, there is no subsequent check to determine whether the holder is still eligible to own a gun. Governor Cuomo will propose a single standard across the state to ensure that appropriate checks can be run to bar convicted felons and other prohibited people from possessing firearms.So handgun owners will now be regularly shaken down for money because the state is incompetent in managing criminals.
Governor Cuomo will propose tightening our assault weapons ban and eliminating large capacity magazines regardless of date of manufacture.So they will now ban property they previously promised was grandfathered. Chicago is another perfect example. Under Daddy Daley, a handgun registration was implemented for 'safety'. Then they simply closed the offices and started raising fees. Defacto ban.
Incremental steps like this will continue until you get politicians saying things like :
ban semi-automatic guns and “start taking them” from owners who refuse to surrender any illegal firearms through a buy-back program.and have the proposal taken seriously and workable instead of by a fanatical crackpot.
So next time you hear about 'compromise' or 'reasonable gun control', just remember what they're really after.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
This Bears Repeating
From a post in '08 when IL was going through a similar (although nowhere near as intense) bombardment of anti-gun bills.
WaronGuns asks the question" So, Illinois gun owners--what are you gonna do about it? Each and every one of you, personally?"That goes just as much today as it did four years ago. Ladd Everitt can call me a 'traitor' and an 'insurrectionist' but all he supports doing is creating criminals out of law abiding citizens over their politically motivated agendas.
I'll tell you what I WON'T do.
I WILL NOT register.
I will not hand over my guns when they change the law to confiscate them. Chicago. New York. California. New Jersey. Washington DC. New Orleans. This isn't an if. It's a when. There IS NO OTHER PRECEDENT. Just like the push for Brady II and the current expansion of the Federal AWB, NJ Assemblywoman Joan Quigley says it plainly "I feel good, but it is only the first step in the process,". And that "process" is a defacto or dejure ban on all firearms.
I WILL NOT register.
And the politburo will have created a criminal out of a citizen.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Batteries or Ammo. Christmas Toys Need to be Fed
My Xmas present was a Mosin. I only had a few rounds of 7.62x54R left in my inventory (for the Dragunov) and I wasn't going to pay the gouge prices being offered at the show so I found a decent deal from SG on some 'White Box' 148 gr. Non-corrosive stuff, making it usable in both of the rifles.
Now I'm just waiting on a headspace check set I picked up from Amazon and then I get to do my Vasily Zaytsev impersonation (although at much shorter distances).
Now I'm just waiting on a headspace check set I picked up from Amazon and then I get to do my Vasily Zaytsev impersonation (although at much shorter distances).
Trying To Head Off the Next Round in Illinois
IMO petitions are generally a fruitless endeavor that the recipients will only follow if they were planning to in the first place. OTOH, it does give a public record of support/opposition to a cause.
State Rep. (State Sen Elect) Chapin Rose has started a petition to tell IL Gov Quinn just where to go w/ his gun bans. (using much politer language of course).
State Rep. (State Sen Elect) Chapin Rose has started a petition to tell IL Gov Quinn just where to go w/ his gun bans. (using much politer language of course).
Sunday, January 6, 2013
IL Gun Ban Update: A Little Breathing Room
The House Committee Chair has stated that the semi-auto ban will not be called to the floor during the lame-duck session.
I trust that about as far as a penny will go nowadays.
It also means that (assuming they're telling the truth) they'll go full bore again after the next legislature (a super-majority) is sworn in and we may have let our guard down by relaxing a little. It also means I can focus a bit on the Federal BS they're trying to pull.
Video of the event:
I trust that about as far as a penny will go nowadays.
It also means that (assuming they're telling the truth) they'll go full bore again after the next legislature (a super-majority) is sworn in and we may have let our guard down by relaxing a little. It also means I can focus a bit on the Federal BS they're trying to pull.
Video of the event:
Illinois Gun Bills: Not Done Yet
Today the State House is re-convening.
From IL-Gunlobby:
From what I've been told, all the phone mailboxes are full so go back on faxes, emails and (if you're able) personal visits to Springfield and district offices.
The bills in the Senate are not done yet. Kotowski is waiting for a few more allies to show up so he can call the bill onto the floor for a vote.
And I haven't even had time to hit up the BS that's happening federally.
From IL-Gunlobby:
SB-2899 HA#1 makes this bill the newest version of a semi-auto ban, magazine ban and registration bill.Here is the link for a witness slip for opposition to HB2899.
Looks like a 2pm hearing on Sunday in the House Judicary committee.
From what I've been told, all the phone mailboxes are full so go back on faxes, emails and (if you're able) personal visits to Springfield and district offices.
The bills in the Senate are not done yet. Kotowski is waiting for a few more allies to show up so he can call the bill onto the floor for a vote.
And I haven't even had time to hit up the BS that's happening federally.
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