Saturday, May 5, 2012

Some People Just Need Killin'

There's a reason that's a legitimate defense in Texas:
 The Hunt County Sheriff's Department is among several agencies investigating the gruesome death of a rare white buffalo, born nearly a year ago on a ranch near Greenville, Texas.
Now what are they going to do w/ the skin?  Make it part of a personal collection?  Try and sell it? Good luck on that.

I hope they find the individual w/ an 'accident' as a result. 

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

OGRE Designer's Edition

I've been a fan of the 'futuristic' (35 years ago) tank warfare game OGRE by Steve Jackson Games since my sister bought me a copy of its expansion set GEV when I was about 10 yrs old.  It had an 11x18(?) sheet of hex paper w/ terrain, cardboard cut out counters and a rulebook.  I played it for years.  Using various expansion sets, I even fought some Brigade sized battles including non-allied militia and rogue OGRE Cybertanks. Even played the Mini's a bit and was a playtester on the RPG version.

Anywhoo, they're bringing it back and their first release is a 'Designers Edition' using heavy cardstock counters through Kickstarter.

It will be mine.

Kick in your support as well. It's a great game.

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Nothing was given for this plug.

Anti-Gun 'Research'

In a previous post, I noted that almost every single one of the 'reports' listed by the Brady Campaign were paid for by the Joyce Foundation and mostly written by Hemenway. Let's take a look at the quality of this 'research' (Note that is from an except cited by a gun control advocate to support his cause):
44. Gun threats against and self-defense gun use by adolescents
We analyzed data from a telephone survey of 5,800 California adolescents aged 12-17, which asked questions about gun threats against, and self-defense gun use by these young people.
Major Findings: These young people were far more likely to be threatened with a gun than to use a gun in self-defense, and most of the reported self-defense gun uses were hostile interactions between armed adolescents.  Males, smokers, binge drinkers, those who threatened others and whose parents were less likely to know their whereabouts were more likely both to be threatened with a gun and to use a gun in self-defense.
Publication: Hemenway, David; Miller, Matthew.  "Gun Threats Against and Self-Defense Gun Use by California Adolescents."
Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 2004; 158:395-400.
 First off, adolescents aged 12-17 are not legally able to purchase/own firearms by federal and state laws, plus this is California where all firearms are licensed and registered which makes this statement really stupid:
These young people were far more likely to be threatened with a gun than to use a gun in self-defense
 Then this:
most of the reported self-defense gun uses were hostile interactions between armed adolescents
 Which would be criminal uses of firearms initially and on both sides (iow gangbangers). Not mentioned.
Males, smokers, binge drinkers, those who threatened others and whose parents were less likely to know their whereabouts were more likely both to be threatened with a gun and to use a gun in self-defense.
Binge drinking, smoking and threats are all criminal offenses by adolescents and then throw negligent parents into the mix.  Again, no highlighting of these pertinent facts but it will all be used to claim that self-defense w/ a firearm by law abiding citizens is a myth.

This one however is priceless:
 43. The wounding of criminals.
Using data from a survey of detainees in a Washington D.C. jail, we worked with a prison physician to investigate the circumstances of gunshot wounds to these criminals.
Major Findings: One in four of these detainees had been wounded, in events that appear unrelated to their incarceration. Most were shot when they were victims of robberies, assaults and crossfires. Virtually none report being wounded by a "law-abiding citizen."
Publication: May, John P; Hemenway, David; Oen, Roger; Pitts, Khalid R. "When Criminals are Shot: A Survey of Washington DC Jail Detainees" Medscape General Medicine. 2000; June 28.
 Criminals were wounded by other criminals but "Virtually none report being wounded by a "law-abiding citizen."" In DC. In 2000.Where handguns were banned and longguns were required to be kept disabled.

Go check out some of the others.  The statements just get stupider and stupider. Like:

 All reported cases of criminal gun use, as well as many of the so-called self-defense gun uses, appear to be socially undesirable.

 Recent gun owners were 8 times more likely to have threatened their partners with a gun than non-gun owners.

And they wonder why we don't take their reports seriously.

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Libelous Ladd Everitt Strikes Again

Remember when Ladd Everitt reworded a post by blogger Anti-Tango in order to insinuate child abuse? Well it seems that seems to have become the standard at the CSGV offices.  In a case where a couple were incorrectly thought to be breaking into a home and held at gunpoint until police arrived, this is what 'Josh' had to say:
The tide turned quickly. Two days after the shooting, the Kalonjis and Samuel met with the Newton County Sheriff's Office and District Attorney. The charges against them were dropped.
 There was NO shooting.  So why did the CSGV write that?  Because they're inherently dishonest and need to inflame tensions in order to promote their agenda. Unsurprising when they have declared that facts don't matter.

And just in case some more editing occurs, here's the screencap:

Update:  Editing complete.  The wording has been changed.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Free Advertising

You really have to love anti-gunners. In their hatred and disgust, they're some of the best salesman one could ask for.

 Last month, the CSGV, Media Matters and other Joyce puppets went on a rampageagainst hoodies.  A few weeks later at the NRA convention, they were backordered nearly two months they'ld gotten so many orders.

Josh Sugarmann, in an attempt to demonize CCW guns, reposted numerous advertisements for them, informing several firearm owners of new options.

Now the CSGV doubles down on their stupid by offering GLOCK some free advertising on Twitter and FB.  

"Don't throw me into that there briar patch Br'er Bear"...

These people really are that dense.

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"The Studies Show...."

That the 'studies' are all bought and paid for by the Joyce Foundation.

In Dennis Henigan's latest rambling screed, he links to lots of 'studies' showing how dangerous firearm owners are. Almost every single one was funded by the Joyce Foundation.You think I'm exaggerating?

two telephone surveys: Hemenway/Miller of the HSPH. Funded by the Joyce Foundation.

claimed self-defense use of the gun : Hemenway of the HSPH. Funded by the Joyce Foundation.

observed that:  Hemenway/Miller of the HSPH. Funded by the Joyce Foundation.

Harvard study of Arizona drivers : Hemenway/Miller et. al of the HSPH. Funded by the Joyce Foundation.

Yet another study: Hemenway/Miller (again, do we see a pattern) et. al of the HSPH. Funded by the Joyce Foundation.

four times as likely to drink and drive Wintemute of the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program. Funded by (you guessed it) the Joyce Foundation.

A study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania:  Besides not differentiating between criminals and non-criminals, the UPenn's FICAP is also a grant recipient of the ...(drumroll please)... Joyce Foundation.

How can one make it any more plain?  There is NO grassroots support for gun control.  It's advocacy is bought and paid for by philanthropists from the Joyce Foundation and individuals like Bloomberg and Soros.

Speaking of the Joyce's, it appears they've pulled their detailed lists of grant recipients.  Guess it was too embarrassing for them to actually show evidence that all of those 'grassroots' groups are merely astroturf.

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Some Morning Humor

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

At Least They're Honest About It

The CSGV says: Facts don't matter, we hate guns.

 Another story where they've declared the shooter guilty before all the facts are present because he used a firearm.  As they've stated as their official position "'Using armed violence in any context is flat out wrong...".  Rape, Spousal abuse, attempted murder... It doesn't matter.  They're view is that you are in the wrong if you use a gun to defend yourself.

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Happy May Day

Let us all join joyful revelers around the world on this day of peace and brotherhood as we celebrate another International Workers Day:

 Don't they look happy and content?  Class stricture has been removed. There is no want or hunger.  All are equal under International Socialism.

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Another 'One Man Show' Gun Group

Uncle and Sebastian comment on the "Independent Firearm Owners Association" run by former NRA employee Richard Feldman. The first thing that came to my mind was "Another 'National' gun rights group run by one guy, just like the National Assoc. for Gun Rights" (NAGR) that will suck up donations and not do a single thing except put out the occasional email asking for....more donations".

Speaking of the NAGR, here's what I found when I went to their website:

Surprising for a group that claims to represent "over 1 million grassroots, gun rights activists across the United States".

Methinks my checkbook won't be opened for this 'group' either. 

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gun Show AAR

Got back from the show a few hours ago. Got things out of the hippie-mobile, back into their storage and totals figured.

Overall it was considerably slower than the same show I did if Feb. About 30% less in sales but I still did really well.  Attendance was easily over a thousand.  No single item was a big seller.  A bit of everything, books, uniforms, flags, toys, etc.  

Some of the highlights:
 Had several people come up and remark that they read DOOT. It is definitely an ego booster when someone comes up and says "Hey, you're the guy who writes Days of Our Trailers.  I read you all the time.  "   They got 10% off.  :)
Rides in WWII US vehicles and an airgun range for the kids were two popular attractions. 
The show hosts signed up about 2 doz. NRA members, about half and half new/renewals. Talked to one of the new members on why she decided to join. Her one word answer:  'Politics'. 
One of the other vendors who only deals in uniforms as a sideline offered to sell me what I need at a really low cost so I think they'll be one of my regular suppliers. Makes my life much easier.
Lots of vendor horse-trading. I swapped some .32 ACP ammo I no longer needed for some 38 spec. and a couple packages of A-zoom snap caps for the AK/SKS and AR. Also picked up a case of 7.62x39 Wolf Military Classic (148gr FMJ) for a decent price. A few other odds and ends were found one of which will be a post possibly tomorrow.

To answer some of the commentors from the last post:
I exorcized the Prius of hippie carma when I bought it.  She is adorned w/ numerous NRA, ISRA, and DOOT stickers and will happily carry firearms w/o danger of a matter/anti-matter-esque reaction. An Appleseed sticker will be being added as soon as I clean off the back glass.

Overall a profitable and fun weekend.  Next one from this organizer is in September. 

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