Top ten posts for 2013:
10th: Josh Sugarmann: "Disarm Blacks For Their Own Good" 997 hits
9th: Unorganized Militia: Propaganda Corps 1062 hits
8th: The New IL Anti-Gun Bill Kerfluffle 1082 hits
7th: Shannon Watts: Terrorist Gun Owners Will Shoot and Rape You 1135 hits
6th: Another MAIG Mayor Arrested 1162 hits
Tied for 4th:
G&A's Metcalf Officially Zumboed 1346 hits
'Moms Demand Action' Threaten False Police Reports 1346 hits
3rd: I'm Now A Famous Insurrectionist 1349 hits
2nd: Chicago/Cook Cnty Bans Shotguns for Adults 1665 hits
and the most visited page for 2012 w/ 4729 hits: (drumroll......)
OGRE 6E: Nihon
Top ten referrers for 2012:
10th: alphecca.com 2,102
9th: google.com 2,485
8th: examiner.com 2,739
7th: sjgames.com 3,104
6th facebook.com 3,467
5th: gunblogblacklist.blogspot.com 3,726
4th: thegunwire.com 4,827
3rd: networkedblogs.com 6,948
As usual 2nd: PAGunBlog (formerly Snowflakes in Hell) 29,956 visitors
and as it has been for every year, SaysUncle took 1st place w/ 32,949 visitors
This was DOOT's 6th year in existence and it was an insane ride. On the gun front: The fallout from Sandy Hook, Zimmerman, Concealed Carry for Illinois just to name a few. One thing I think this year clearly showed was the political, moral and ethical fail that is gun control. Even after one of the most tragic events in US history, they couldn't stop lying, insulting, and pushing for what would amount to all out gun bans. Their complete lack of morals (from hiding the use of taxpayer funds to push agendas to their incivility in social media) is what has pushed people away from supporting them no matter what rigged 'polls' say. Their only successes have been in their traditional strongholds and even then often using deceptive political tricks to push laws through. It has cost them. Politicians in Colorado and CCW in IL for example. We need to continue the momentum w/o over playing our hand.
On the gaming front, OGRE 6E was finally released and I've spent the last month+ shipping out pieces (hence the dropoff in posting). The burgundy color looks even better than was hoped and the flat, one hex OGRE's have proven to be popular. About 900 orders have been filled for over half the sheets accounted for.
We'll see what 2014 brings.
2012 YIR
2011 YIR
2010 YIR
2009 YIR
2008 YIR