But after Sugarmann and the Brady Bunch threw a fit about the “Round Up” program, I started thinking a little differently. I also started to understand the level of desperation we’re seeing from the PSHers.
If they only had to worry about the political clout the NRA has with 4,000,000+ members, they might have a chance convincing congress critters that we’re the vocal fringe they imagine.
But that’s not their only opposition. Truth be told, everyone who buys guns, ammo, cleaning supplies, safes, spotting scopes etc. are the elephant in the room for them…and for those congress critters.
Even the Fudds spend their money on their sport of choice.
The antis want John Q. Public to believe they’re “taking on the NRA.” But deep down, they know they’re attacking 80 million gun owners and the financial machine they support.
That’s what has them scared.
Dues-paying members are indeed carrying some dead weight, but after spending several years trying to change the hearts and minds of the antis and the fence sitters, I’ve come to an inescapable conclusion.
Getting a Fudd to join the NRA will be easier than trying to get the antis to simply leave us the Hell alone.