Friday, December 6, 2013

Thank (Insert Deity Here) for LTC. Bateman

Yes, I said it.  I appreciate the LTC more than you can imagine. Why?  Because his article is some of the best PR for firearm rights there is.  It's just a few steps below the President calling for more gun control. 

When he rambles on about how many guns he wants to ban, the next thing that happens is all the anti-gun groups start reposting his words saying how he's 'reasonable' and how right he is.  Gives plenty of screenshots and quotes for us to use when they later claim to not want to ban guns and we get a giggle out of watching them dance around trying to explain their words. 

Going on about how much of an 'authority' he is reduces the effectiveness in future military veterans using their creds to try and ban guns due to his extremist, uneducated and ridiculous assertions.

So thank you LTC Bateman.  You've just sold more guns and NRA memberships than a dozen gun shows.

Unorganized Militia Gear Unorganized Militia Gear
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Unorganized Militia Gear

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

MAIG Faking More Members?

A few months ago, a bunch of new 'members' showed up under IL on the 'Mayors Against Guns' website.  Unlike previous ones, these weren't hyperlinked to the cities' own sites.  Looking them over, many of them seem suspicious., the names listed don't match up w/ the mayors/etc. that the townships claim:

For example:  Lake Zurich, IL.  Their website lists Mayor Tom Poynton but MAIG has it down as "
Village President Suzanne Brandint".  

MAIG actually has TWO 'Lagrange Park', IL's listed. Village President Julia Cedillo and
Village President James L. Discipio.  The Lagrange website lists Discipio.  

Hampshire, IL.  MAIG has listed 'Village President Doug Maxninck' but the city site has it as '
Jeffrey Magnussen'.

These are just the examples I've been able to check out so far.  So are all these townships wrong on their sites, or is MAIG playing fast and loose w/ the truth to artificially inflate their numbers.  Seeing the trend in anti-rights activism lately, I know where I would put my money. 

Unorganized Militia Gear Unorganized Militia Gear
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Unorganized Militia Gear

NYC's Bagdad Bob

But Bloomberg spokesman Marc LaVorgna said only a dozen NRA backers had called to complain.
“Every conversation I’ve had with a caller has gone the same way: They read the line the NRA asks them to read, then I tell them we support background checks on all gun sales — then they say they support that, too,” LaVorgna said.
Somehow I doubt that.  Did he happen to mention his group wants to ban most semi-autos?  Force all sales to go through FFL's which Bloomberg is also trying to sue out of existence?  That his 'background checks' also include a defacto registry, the same kind of registry NYC is using to confiscate guns they declared 'illegal'? No? Didn't mention any of that? Didn't think so.

Unorganized Militia Gear Unorganized Militia Gear
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Unorganized Militia Gear

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Nihon Shipping Day 2: Packing Party

The guy that's been painting all my mini's came down today to help package up OGRE DE Nihon sheets.  I had spent most of yesterday printing out packing slips and address labels.

After hours of game talk and work, this is the result:
A nice chunk of orders to be taken to the PO tomorrow after the day job.  He also brought down some mini's he's painted for me.
Some old WH archers in Vatican Guard colors. 
Also an OGRE Mk IV in Multicam:
His reward for all this work (plus some of the other painting he's done for me)?  His own copy of OGRE KS edition and several Nihon sheets.

Maybe one day I'll actually find the time to punch out all the counters and play.

Unorganized Militia Gear Unorganized Militia Gear
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Unorganized Militia Gear