Friday, April 15, 2011

Civil Obedience

We’re on a roll, no?

It used to be that that the Brady Bunch would scream and holler about everything, but now they’ve woken up and picked one single message to focus on. Big bullet blasting boxes. Otherwise known as Loughner-style assault clips.

The Messiah holds a non-transparent meeting in order to shut up the gun-grabbers and puts Joe Biden in charge of it. That alone makes me giggle like a school girl. But rather than sit back and relax, we push harder than ever.

But we should always have a Plan B.

This is the beginning of a series I’m calling “Civil Obedience.”

Let’s enjoy our successes, but think ahead. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Enter “Lost and Stolen” legislation.

Okie-dokie, let us explore the opportunities here.

I have a buddy who has a key to my home. I also have a key to his. If “Lost and Stolen” is ever passed here, I plan on complying with the law and employing the following scenario…

1. My buddy enters my home while I’m at work and helps himself to my piece o’ total crap .22 Jennings.
2. I enter his home and help myself to his “book gun.”
3. We both call the coppers and inform them that our guns are missing.
4. We politely request an LEO come out and dust for fingerprints and fill out the longest police report possible; complete with serial numbers and general description.
5. We both call the local PD and ask if they’ve found our gun yet…every single day.
6. After a few days, we call in and report that we have found our lost gun.
7. Lather, rinse and repeat.

Do this over and over and over and over and over and over.

If they get a stick up their butt and try to charge you with filing a false police report? Inform them that it is illegal to NOT report a “Lost or Stolen” gun.

We are currently winning. Let’s not be complacent on how we can still win even if we lose.

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On Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground laws:
@ @ No the essential purpose is to liberalize the law to allow gun owners to kill needlessly but legally.

This is how gun control advocates think of you. Better to be raped and brutalized than defend yourself.

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The Truth Hurts

What does a PuSH'er do when their arguments are regularly shown to be not just incorrect, but absolute nonsense? Why the only thing they can to maintain their self worth.

Go into full 'Reasoned Discourse' mode and try to block you from even reading their statements of belief:

Yep. Good ol' Joan Peterson, AKA Japete, Board Member of the Brady Campaign and some other Joyce Puppet group has apparently been blocking people from her twitter account. That's how strong her faith in her arguments is.

Watch for other puppet groups and weak minded individuals to follow suit.

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Technical Difficulties

Turns out some of the buttons at the bottom of the posts haven't been working right. I think I got them fixed and updated. Went back the last couple of days as well.

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Goddard's Been Assimilated

He's now a drone regurgitating the standard PSH, talking points and outright nonsense.
private sellers already charge more $ b/c "no tax, no paperwork, that's gotta be worth somethin" - worth a lot to criminals
That's allegedly from a conversation he recorded. So that apparently applies to ALL sellers.

When asked how to make checks 'easier and cheaper', he suggested opening up NICS to private sellers. Something that's been brought up to them multiple times and it's always avoided. When asked if that was the formal position of the Brady Campaign (since he's their primary spokesperson right now) he has avoided the question w/ red herrings.
@TrailerDays a few options - 1 - make private sellers do what dealers have to - give them 4473's & a phone/computer pretty simple
@TrailerDays why don't you want to run a background check when you sell a gun to a stranger?
When backed into a corner, he backpedaled:
@TrailerDays @SebastianSH @Bradybuzz either through an FFL or law enforcement, yes
Not quite the same, is it? And how exactly would that make the checks 'easier' or 'cheaper'? You'ld still be charged fees. The police checks would depend on availability of personnel and their willingness to do them. More personnel. More laws. More loopholes. etc. etc. His response:
@TrailerDays @Bradybuzz b/c currently either private sellers say they can't access NICS or they say "it's too expensive"
Huh? How is that an answer again? So far no reply on that. Shock.

His other suggestion is the default:
setup a background check only booth at guns shows for all private sellers
Yeah. That's nice. Just like it's done in Illinois. Yet the Brady Campaign STILL isn't happy and keeps pushing for even MORE restrictions. Nevermind the useless waiting periods requiring transfers as well as the fact that they continue to advocate for 3rd party lawsuits designed to shut down said dealers.

But look at this statement:
@ if there are national minimal standards for CCW's including live-fire training/tests, speaking personally, yes i'm in

@ I'd prefer TX + annual testing - either way, this is the middle ground compromise that NRA bosses won't ever engage with
Interesting. He claims the BC is trying 'engage' that idea. With whom is another question. We know MAIG and all the Joyce groups oppose CCW in any fashion. And the Brady Campaign is opposing CCW in Illinois w/ even stricter stricter standards.

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PuSH'ers Dropping the Ball

Gun Banners in Illinois did their push for a mag ban in Illinois. It got stuck into committee for a bit and the PuSH'ers didn't say a word. Currently on 'reading' but w/ no traction. It appears that the drive for CCW is so strong here, they don't have enough resources to lobby both issues.

Sucks to be them.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Quote of the Day

It's odd that last week Josh says "gun industry is dying" & now he complains about their $.

--Kurt Hoffman/45Superman on new VPC 'report' on the 'gun industry' 'funneling' money to the NRA

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PEGheads Miss the Irony

The gun ban group 'Protest Easy Guns' complain that the TSA is out of control for frisking a 6yr old. No argument on that one.

So what is their solution?

Why give the Gov't MORE authority to abuse. Apparently they haven't heard about 'Project Gunrunner'


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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Voice of a Liar

Josh Sugarmann, ED of the Joyce Puppet VPC and self admitted liar, decides to make a last push against CCW in Illinois by libeling millions of firearm owners.

Basically he fabricates claims and exaggerates stories to make it seem that anywhere CCW has passed has turned into a shooting gallery. SOP for most 'Gun Control' groups.

They're getting real desperate now. Got an e-mail from the Illinois Council to Prevent Gun Ownership (another Joyce Puppet btw) this morning crying about the Carry Bill as well w/ the same 'blood in the streets'/'Wild West Shootout' claims we've been hearing for the last 20 years.

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@CSGV's Two Minute Hate

Long story short on Ladd's daily stupidity. The NRA is a Domestic Terrorist organization.

Their in good company w/ the Oathkeepers, Chuck Norris, Me, Kurt Hoffman, David Codrea, and many others.

SIH has more.

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Brady Campaign Releases New Ad

And I'm not being facetious on this one.

That's how they see firearm owners.

SIH has more.

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Snuffy Thinks We're All the NRA

Father 'Snuffy' Pfleger, who threatened the lives of firearm dealers, is likely to be moved from his parish. So he blames the NRA.
For the past couple years, he said he has been the target of petitions and letter-writing campaigns by the National Rifle Association. Letters are often copied to the cardinal, Pfleger said.

“The NRA … says I’ve been much too vocal about assault weapons and much too vocal about guns being registered and being accountable to gun owners,” Pfleger said on the radio. “So all that combined and I guess the cardinal didn’t have anything to do one morning and decided he wanted to get rid of me again.”
His bosses disagree:
Through a spokeswoman, George said he has never received a letter from the NRA or spoken to anyone from the organization about Pfleger. However, he does hear all kinds of opinions from parishioners, spokeswoman Colleen Dolan said.
Snuffy is another one of those that think all things firearm are controlled and arranged by the NRA. Just like he protested against the NRA at a rally that was not affiliated w/ them.

What's really frightening is the diocese wants him to work at a High School.

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Monday, April 11, 2011


I’ve said many times before that I’m not good at scooping stories. I spend enough of my time reading and commenting, mainly on anti sites, and that I really don’t care to challenge the big dogs. But I had the brain fart that maybe I could score some original content if I helped to create it.

So I called Carolyn McCarthy’s office and asked if I could interview her about H.R. 308 and its Senate counterpart S. 32.

The phone picker-upper asked if I was a journalist right off the bat and I responded that I was not but that I was a member of the New Media and passionate about this issue. What? Thirdpower gave me the keys to the Trailer a while back when he was playing soldier and I made a copy and didn’t tell him about. Deal with it.

I gave my personal info and contact information and waited by the phone every evening during the hours I had specified I would be available. Spent that time cleaning guns I did.

While engaged in a heavy cuss storm trying to put my Ruger Mark II back together, my rotary dial phone started ringing. Ya, it’s a rotary and ya I have a reason.

Here’s the transcript:

Me: Welcome to the man cave, what can I do ya for?
McCarthy: Uh…is this kaveman?
Me: The one and only ma’am, are you interested in the half-hour quickie or the full service.
McCarthy: Excuse me, I don’t think…
Me: Oh, are you Congresswoman McCarthy??? My apologies; I left 2 phone numbers for contact and this is my gunsmithing business. I clean guns as a side business for people who like to shoot but don’t like to do all the tear down and minor repairs themselves. I’m pleased that you called.
McCarthy: Oh, uh…okay………….did you have some questions about my bill?
Me: I did and still do ma’am.
McCarthy: Well, I’m happy to answer any questions you might have but do you mind if I ask if you are one of my constituents?
Me: Nope.
McCarthy: Uh…nope you’re not one of my constituents or nope you don’t mind me asking?
Me: Yep.
McCarthy: Well, what did you want to know about HR 308 and S 32? They’re both online and …
Me: Yes, I’ve read through both several times over and still have some questions.
McCarthy: Such as?
Me: Well, what exactly will “transfer” mean if your bill becomes law? I read your bill as stating that anyone who legally owns an “ammunition feeding device” of 11 or more rounds currently will still be within the bounds of the law but can not transfer this “ammunition feeding device” to any other person unless they are employed in a law enforcement capacity.
McCarthy: That is correct. “We're determined to ban high-capacity gun magazines like the one Jared Lee Loughner allegedly used in Tucson, Arizona, when he was able to fire 31 bullets in 15 seconds because he supersized his Glock 19 handgun with a high-capacity magazine. High-capacity magazines -- devices that dramatically boost a weapon's firing power -- were prohibited from 1994 until 2004, when the federal assault weapons ban was in place. It's time to end the bloodshed and restore common sense to our gun laws -- beginning with a permanent ban on high-capacity gun magazines. These deadly devices are the weapon of choice for the deranged. This new legislation's goal is not to eliminate gun ownership in responsible hands; we simply want to restore a sensible safeguard that protects our families and children. The bottom line: We shouldn't have to rely on innocent bystanders to protect lives when these lethal weapons are in the hands of killers. This responsibility rests with Congress and President Obama -- and we shouldn't wait another day to get the job done.”

Me: I need to be clear, does your ban have a Grandfather clause for those who currently own these “ammunition feeding devices?”
McCarthy: Yes. Anyone who owns these devices prior to the law being enacted will be allowed to retain them.
Me: There will be no effort to confiscate these magazines which you have described as weapons of mass destruction and are only useful for murdering people?
McCarthy: No, that would be impractical and unwise.
Me: Why?
McCarthy: I do not believe that we should punish people retro-actively who bought these magazines legally.
Me: But by your own words, these magazines are the weapons of choice for the deranged. That would imply that those who own them, shouldn’t.
McCarthy: We need to take one step at a time.
Me: Well, thank you. You’ve answered the questions I had.
McCarthy: You’re welcome and I look forward to more of these common sense dialogues in the future.


Do you think this is satire or real?


Hint: You might want to read some of my other stuff.

Unorganized Militia Gear

Kurt asks a question

...if one could find a custom barrel maker willing to build a .50 GI barrel with a Para-Ordnance-style feedramp, you would start to be in business....

So, my question, gentle readers: does anyone know of any 1911 gunsmith who might be willing to take such a nutty project on, for less than the price of a new kidney?

The full details here.

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I'm Just One

I'm just one of a half a dozen gun bloggers in Illinois.

I'm just one of hundreds of dedicated activists across the state.

I'm just one of thousands of attendees at IGOLD every year.

I'm just one of tens of thousands of members of ISRA,IllinoisCarry,GunsSaveLife, etc.

I'm just one of hundreds of thousands of firearm owners in Illinois.

I'm just one of millions of NRA members , SAF members, etc. nationwide.

I'm just one of tens of millions of firearm owners in the US.

I'm just one.

But I'm one of many. A tide of people that aren't being paid for our activism but do it because we believe in our rights. 'Gun Control' activists have their 'True Believers' as well but most of them base their beliefs off of emotions and fear and not anything relating to facts. And there's nowhere near as many of them.

And that's how we win.

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