Sold one of Sean S.'s ATF gunwalker shirts to a
black guy from France who lives in the Ivory Coast.
What a great country.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
CSGV's Double Standards
Blocking pro-gun comments from their FB page and complaining about all the 'trolls' while acknowledging and encouraging their own supporters to do the same on other pages.
and one of the three 'likes' calling the NRA 'the biggest f****king cancer in the US today' and calling their members 'silly sheep'? Why the CSGV of course. This is what they're really thinking when they talk about wanting a 'conversation' or 'compromise'.
and one of the three 'likes' calling the NRA 'the biggest f****king cancer in the US today' and calling their members 'silly sheep'? Why the CSGV of course. This is what they're really thinking when they talk about wanting a 'conversation' or 'compromise'.
Empire State/NYPD Shooting Video
Watch the cop on the left (their right).
It certainly appears he started out aiming in the opposite direction of the shooter who does look like he drew on the officers. No wonder so many people got hit by bullets and fragments.
John R. has the NYPD police chiefs statement.
It certainly appears he started out aiming in the opposite direction of the shooter who does look like he drew on the officers. No wonder so many people got hit by bullets and fragments.
John R. has the NYPD police chiefs statement.
More Unicorn Farts and Gumdrop Turds
Just more evidence anti-gun advocates live in nothing resembling reality:
1) Ignorance:
2) Fear:
To him, owning and enjoying a firearm is a mental disease so when he actually enjoyed himself while shooting, it scared him silly because then he would have to face the reality that his core beliefs might be *gasp* WRONG. That he is not the pinnacle of reasonable-ness and common-sense he believes himself to be. He is afraid to look at any other views other than the ones he has already established and he is afraid that if he enjoys firearms, he may turn into an 'anarchist cowboy'.
The author really needs to stick to banking.
The real freedom we need is the freedom to be able to walk around without the fear of our fellow citizens shooting us by design or accident.and how is skippy planning on that? Why MORE LAWS of course:
Nobody likes or wants more laws than are strictly necessary to run a peaceful and fair country, but in the absence of people reining in their irresponsible worship of guns, the government will have no choice but to apply more regulation to this arena.Just like the Empire States shooting was in a place w/ little to no 'regulation'. He didn't illegally possess, carry or use that gun, right? So obviously the other millions of people who DIDN'T go out shooting their co-workers need to be punished. But here's the core of his beliefs, ignorance and fear.
1) Ignorance:
If guns are indeed nothing special, then why are they symbols of anything except good engineering, and in that case, why are they so important to the integrity of our nation in the first place?Can we say Lexington and Concord boys and girls? Ever heard of the 'Minuteman'? He's not carrying a cellphone to call the cops, he's carrying a rifle. This individual who goes on about American Freedoms and he has no clue about the very foundations of our country.
2) Fear:
Americans across generations have not only used guns for hunting and self-defense but to experience a sense of control and power that only a firearm can impart. Having been shooting at a gun range myself, I can attest to that feeling.Yep, Skippy went to the range, got a stiffy while shooting and it scared him. It started breaking down that that mental block of "I'm not the NRA" he had built up to maintain his feelings of self-worth so he doubles down w/ the bigotry. Look at some of the ways he attempts to disparage firearm owners: Cowboy, anarchist ,Gary Cooper or John Wayne,outlaws, imagined fears and a desperate need for control, free-wheeling aggression, most twisted interpretation, violates common sense, psychotic and trigger-happy....
To him, owning and enjoying a firearm is a mental disease so when he actually enjoyed himself while shooting, it scared him silly because then he would have to face the reality that his core beliefs might be *gasp* WRONG. That he is not the pinnacle of reasonable-ness and common-sense he believes himself to be. He is afraid to look at any other views other than the ones he has already established and he is afraid that if he enjoys firearms, he may turn into an 'anarchist cowboy'.
The author really needs to stick to banking.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Chicago and New York. 'Nuff Said
2 dead, 8 wounded in New York City. 'Some' of the bystanders were allegedly hit by police crossfire according to early reports.
19 shot in Chicago since last night including victims of a drive by.
Licensing, registration, bans... All in place.
So obviously MORE gun control is the answer.
Seriously. How mentally disturbed do you have to be to continue to believe that?
19 shot in Chicago since last night including victims of a drive by.
Licensing, registration, bans... All in place.
So obviously MORE gun control is the answer.
Seriously. How mentally disturbed do you have to be to continue to believe that?
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Reasoned Discourse Strikes Again
A blog that TBFKASIH mentioned a few weeks back has banned me. Asking questions he can't answer (or ignores), pointing out all the double standards of gun control , using his ignorance and his own words against him makes me an '@sshole' apparently.
Funny that one who uses such harsh language as he blogs anonymously has such thin skin for debate.
Funny that one who uses such harsh language as he blogs anonymously has such thin skin for debate.
NG(V)AC: Disarm the Police
Their guns serve no purpose.
That seems to be the message from Elliot Fineman, head of the Chicago based 14 million member NG(V)AC in his latest screed against guns. I really don't think that's what he was trying to get across but when he's ranting about how you can't defend yourself against a criminal by carrying a gun and the three examples he uses are all police related, what other answer is there?
Of course this is also the same guy who believes going 5 over the speed limit is morally equivalent to serial killing. I'm guessing this 'new strategy' is going to be just as effective as the Starbucks boycott.
That seems to be the message from Elliot Fineman, head of the Chicago based 14 million member NG(V)AC in his latest screed against guns. I really don't think that's what he was trying to get across but when he's ranting about how you can't defend yourself against a criminal by carrying a gun and the three examples he uses are all police related, what other answer is there?
Of course this is also the same guy who believes going 5 over the speed limit is morally equivalent to serial killing. I'm guessing this 'new strategy' is going to be just as effective as the Starbucks boycott.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Brady Campaign: Kung Fu Masters
Brady PAC Illinois are certified experts on self defense. Just ask them.
But the Bradys are. Because they know better than you.
Indviduals with proper self-defense training can put down attackers no matter the size difference, with little to no damage done to the victim. Ask any defensive trainer, or a student of such a trainer, and you'll get the proof you regularly state on this page that this page lacks.So if one can't do it outside of a nice, safe dojo w/ a cooperating 'attacker', then I guess you weren't doing it 'properly'. It's a little different when the teacher hands you his/her arm and tells you to throw them in comparison to a gang banger who's actively trying to rape/rob/kill you. Oh sure, some might be able to manage it but I'm not willing to bet my (or anyone's) life on it.
But the Bradys are. Because they know better than you.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Mental Health 'Threats'
Getting into mental health reporting and rights is a tricky subject, especially when it is so arbitrary and reliant on that oh so effective beaurocracy that is our gov't. Let's take a look at three different current events stories related to it.
The shooting in Aurora, CO. The guy had no official record, had not been involuntarily committed, etc. However he was seeing a psychiatrist and that psychiatrist had reported him to the authorities as a danger. Apparently the authorities did nothing about the report and the shooter went on his spree.
Jesse Jackson Jr. is currently seeking treatment for bipolar disorder. We've covered that here. By IL law, he should have his FOID card revoked but we all know that's not going to happen because he's a connected politician.
In the news now is a story about Marine vet Brandon Raub who made comments on FB that are being considered 'threats' by unnamed sources. He was taken from his home and has been incarcerated based on the recommendation of also unnamed 'mental health professional' and a judge ordering him to be detained for another month, the excuse being...well, that noone did anything in CO.
So now actual threats are being ignored while anonymous tips are causing people to be committed. IOW, totally and completely arbitrary with some knee jerk reaction-ism and political favoritism thrown in for good measure. If you look back at some of the other shootings such as VT and the Giffords shooting, one had a diagnosed violent behavior that just wasn't put into the system and another that was protected by family members until he finally went off and did something.
This is the reality of mental health screening in the US. If we attach rights to it, it becomes a method that , historically, will be used to deny more and more people who DON'T have serious issues their rights, hence causing them to NOT get any help until it becomes severe. Those who DO have serious issues will continue to be ignored/protected/slip through the cracks just like they have been.
The shooting in Aurora, CO. The guy had no official record, had not been involuntarily committed, etc. However he was seeing a psychiatrist and that psychiatrist had reported him to the authorities as a danger. Apparently the authorities did nothing about the report and the shooter went on his spree.
Jesse Jackson Jr. is currently seeking treatment for bipolar disorder. We've covered that here. By IL law, he should have his FOID card revoked but we all know that's not going to happen because he's a connected politician.
In the news now is a story about Marine vet Brandon Raub who made comments on FB that are being considered 'threats' by unnamed sources. He was taken from his home and has been incarcerated based on the recommendation of also unnamed 'mental health professional' and a judge ordering him to be detained for another month, the excuse being...well, that noone did anything in CO.
So now actual threats are being ignored while anonymous tips are causing people to be committed. IOW, totally and completely arbitrary with some knee jerk reaction-ism and political favoritism thrown in for good measure. If you look back at some of the other shootings such as VT and the Giffords shooting, one had a diagnosed violent behavior that just wasn't put into the system and another that was protected by family members until he finally went off and did something.
This is the reality of mental health screening in the US. If we attach rights to it, it becomes a method that , historically, will be used to deny more and more people who DON'T have serious issues their rights, hence causing them to NOT get any help until it becomes severe. Those who DO have serious issues will continue to be ignored/protected/slip through the cracks just like they have been.
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Carnage Continues in Chicago
W/ a spate of nice weather comes the goblins. Saturday I made a post about the number of people shot overnight in the city of brotherly hate. Chicago, the city w/ the nations strictest gun control laws. The city that has spent hundreds of thousands, if not millions by now, defending these laws in the courts and legislatures. Since then, here are some of the headlines from this pleasant weekend:
Two men killed, 14-year-old wounded in overnight shootings
Three found dead after shootings, stabbing
Close to a dozen killed. Over three dozen others wounded. Again, all in the city that bans most semi-auto firearms and requires all the background checks, licensing, training, registration, etc. that the PuSH'ers demand and that they insist will lower crime.
Since it's been proven over and over it does no such thing, who do they then blame? Not Jimmy Gang-Banger who does the shooting. Instead they blame the hundreds of thousands of law-abiding firearm owners across the state and nation. You see, it's their/our fault for merely owning firearms that Chicago has these kinds of problems....Gangs, drugs, poverty, etc. Makes perfect sense, right?
I'm going to make a couple of predictions:
1) None of the shooters had a Chicago Firearm License.
2) None of the shooters had a FOID.
3) None of the shooters obtained their firearm legally either through and FFL, gun show or legitimate private transfer.
4) None of the shooters' families/friends/neighbors will report their actions or their illegal firearm possession to the authorities.
So obviously we need ANOTHER 'reasonable, common-sense' law to reduce these kinds of crimes. Still makes perfect sense, right?
Welcome to the mentality of a gun control advocate.
Two men killed, 14-year-old wounded in overnight shootings
Three found dead after shootings, stabbing
Close to a dozen killed. Over three dozen others wounded. Again, all in the city that bans most semi-auto firearms and requires all the background checks, licensing, training, registration, etc. that the PuSH'ers demand and that they insist will lower crime.
Since it's been proven over and over it does no such thing, who do they then blame? Not Jimmy Gang-Banger who does the shooting. Instead they blame the hundreds of thousands of law-abiding firearm owners across the state and nation. You see, it's their/our fault for merely owning firearms that Chicago has these kinds of problems....Gangs, drugs, poverty, etc. Makes perfect sense, right?
I'm going to make a couple of predictions:
1) None of the shooters had a Chicago Firearm License.
2) None of the shooters had a FOID.
3) None of the shooters obtained their firearm legally either through and FFL, gun show or legitimate private transfer.
4) None of the shooters' families/friends/neighbors will report their actions or their illegal firearm possession to the authorities.
So obviously we need ANOTHER 'reasonable, common-sense' law to reduce these kinds of crimes. Still makes perfect sense, right?
Welcome to the mentality of a gun control advocate.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Livin' La Vida Dorka
So I am vicariously living through a friend's experiences at GenCon. Since I wasn't able to go (although I will be attending Worldcon '12 in a few weeks w/ media credentials I might add), I'm satiating myself w/ reading Dork Tower , digging through old game books, having a Star Wars marathon, and arranging mini's.
Up first is the OGRE Mk V that my friend painted for me basing it loosely off of an Afrika Corps pattern from WWII:
It will go well against the PanEuropean Armor Battalion.
Later I was digging through some old boxes of games and came across this:
That's right, The Keep on the Borderlands using D&D Basic from 1981. The FIRST RPG module I ever played. A human fighter iirc. I'm highly tempted to rewrite it using a different system and rerun it. Just for fun.
Up first is the OGRE Mk V that my friend painted for me basing it loosely off of an Afrika Corps pattern from WWII:
It will go well against the PanEuropean Armor Battalion.
Later I was digging through some old boxes of games and came across this:
That's right, The Keep on the Borderlands using D&D Basic from 1981. The FIRST RPG module I ever played. A human fighter iirc. I'm highly tempted to rewrite it using a different system and rerun it. Just for fun.
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