Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chicago/Cook County Penalizes Legal Gun Owners

So to try and counter their blatant incompetence in keeping crime down and managing their own budget, the Cook County, IL board (puppets of the Chicago machine) 'generously' dropped the proposed ammo tax and are only taxing firearms at $25 ea. all to pay the medical costs of the people shot in 'gun violence', 70% of which are criminals.  

One should note the timing on this is strictly political. Friday. To bury the story (and the other associated taxes they passed) through the weekend and the offices are closed so no/few people will call in to voice their displeasure.  By Monday the only people that are going to talk about it are the gunnies.

They know they can't get support for these measures through legitimate means so they have to deceive and manipulate. That is SOP for gun control.

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Chicago/Oak Park Tax Dollars at Work

From CalGun Laws:
 On August 14, 2012, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois awarded over 1.3 million dollars to the National Rifle Association (NRA) to reimburse it for attorneys’ fees for the legal work NRA’s lawyers did in the cases of National Rifle Association v. City of Chicago and National Rifle Association v. Village of Oak Park, and for its role and significant work as a party in the Supreme Court case McDonald v. City of Chicago. The checks are in! A copy of the $663,294.10 check from the Village of Oak Park can be viewed here. A copy of the $663,294.10 check from the City of Chicago can be view here.
So $1.4m of those public dollars for these two cities to keep regular people (but not criminals) disarmed. That's not even including the legal fees to the SAF, etc. or the fees generated by the cities for their defense.

What an effective use of funds, eh?  Not a bit of it would have been more useful towards better policing, education or food programs to name a few things.  Noooooo.  That would be silly.

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

We Have Reached Perfection

That we are alive is proof to Ladd Everitt of the CSGV that we have reached the pinnacle of governmental evolution and there is no possible way that it can be abused.

Yep, there are no abuses by the authorities.  We are in a state of perfection when it comes to our Gov't. 

And they call gun owners 'cult-like'.

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Gun Free Zones Work...

for criminals. USC (a gun free zone in the strictest state in the US) experiences what Chicago (the city w/ strictest laws in the US) experiences nightly.

According to KNBC, Assistant Chief John Thomas of the USC Department of Public Safety says a dispute between 2 non-students led to the shooting. 
 So two individuals who weren't students were illegally carrying firearms (a crime) in a gun free zone (another crime), probably drinking (yep, that too), I'm guessing didn't have permits (#4) and likely prohibited from owning anyway (#5).

So what we need are MORE laws and restrictions on people who actually follow the law because that will make a difference to the criminals.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

ICHV in Champaign

The Joyce Foundation funded 'Illinois Council against Handgun Ownership has decided to enter enemy territory, in other words, the home territory of the Champaign County Rifle Assoc./GunsSaveLives.

From GSL:
The freedom-eschewing folks at The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence have invited *us* to their first meeting in Central Illinois, along with everyone else.
It’s set for Sunday, November 18th from 2-4pm at the Champaign, IL Public Library.
 Nicole Anderson-Cobb is their new 'outreach coordinator'. Let's make sure that when they 'reach out' their hand gets 'bit'* by the numbers of firearm owners who won't put up w. them trying to restrict us.

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* That's hyperbole for the reality impaired.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Why the 'Conversation' is Over

Gun control advocates are regularly calling for a 'conversation' on gun violence, mostly due to the fact that they've effectively lost and are now fighting what are little more than holding actions. 

The irony of it is that they still don't understand why.  When they're not banning dissenting voices on their FB pages or calling their opponents 'traitors' and 'insurrectionists' (sure starters for reasoned discourse in any setting, right?) this response on Huffpo is a perfect example why:
Then there needs to more "conversations" or those having the "conversation" need to get much louder.

Apparently everyone posting on this story who are against gun control laws haven't been the victim of gun violence because guns are too easily obtained by those who should not have the. And the reasoning that background checks don't work is the best reason not to have them is idiotic reasoning.

The anti- gun control people posting on this article will never say enough to sway those of us who believe in gun control to change our minds.

More guns, means more violence, that fact does not seem to mean anything to those obsessed with gun ownership.

Perhaps if you had a very young family member shot and killed by an equally young person who had no business having a gun, maybe you might actually be for some common sense approaches to gun ownership. Everyone being armed is not anywhere close to common sense and it is obviously not making for a safer nation despite what all the pro-gun, anti-background check people think.
Now this is pretty typical of what you get. There is not ONE rational or factual piece of information in it. Instead it relies exclusively on strawmen, character attacks, emotional diatribes, and myths/talking points, none of which hold up to scrutiny. They've got nothing else.  The only time it's effective is when people like Bloomberg or the Joyce foundation pay tons of money to flood the media w/ their skewed information in order to influence those who don't normally pay attention to the issue.

But then, when/if they start researching it more, they find out they've been lied to and they tend to start looking at the issue from a view leaning more towards our side. That's how I and several others became 'gun nuts'.

And they still don't get it and never will.

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Anti-gun 'Logic' from Lori O'neill

Lori O'Neill (AKA Gunsensus)states on the NY Appellate CourtViolating the Protection of Lawful Arms in Commerce Ruling:
 Any multiple sale of handguns requires a multiple sale form go to ATF and the police department in whose jurisdiction the sale occurred. Question is what happens then? Do police or ATF act on multiple sales reports, especially those that indicate the same person or people are making bulk purchases frequently?  

So the police/ATF drop the ball on obvious straw purchasers and a dealer who was doing the selling.  Her solution?

The state should limit the number of handguns a person can purchase in a single transaction, she said. And all federally licensed gun dealers and employees should be required to undergo training on recognizing straw purchases
So we need MORE laws that won't be enforced and violators prosecuted. And obviously we need to sue the manufacturers and distributors because a dealer (who the ATF also didn't charge and made excuses for not doing so) is an idiot. 

The goal of the groups she belongs to is to require all sale to go through dealers and sue the manufacturers/distributors/dealers out of business. No new guns and no legal transfers so all legally owned ones would eventually have to be turned in/confiscated. Any attempt to deny this is just deliberate dishonesty and ignorance of all their actions to date.

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