Friday, March 16, 2012

IGOLD vs Snuffy Phleger

5000+ firearm owners from across the state who work tirelessly for real progressive firearm laws.

Compared to:

A few dozen anti-gun nutballs lead by a man who threatened the life of a licensed firearm dealer and thinks squirt guns will lead to a life of crime.

Which do you think gets the most press coverage in Chicago?

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Note the Difference

On the reactions to the Zimmerman shooting:

Pro-rights: Discussion regarding laws, statutes and the fluidity of information regarding the case, witnesses, police handling etc.

Anti-rights: Immediate condemnation, smear attacks, cries of racism and calls for arrest and imprisonment.

Telling, isn't it?

UPDATE: And now they're actively endorsing/encouraging acts of violence and death threats against Zimmerman.

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NG(V)AC: Facts Don't Matter

Elliot Fineman: ED of the NGVAC on their FB page:
Why don't you ask NRA HQ. Call and say you want to visit and ask, as I did, if you an bring your gun inside, (Say you really need it to keep you safe). And make sure you do not bring your gun to an NRA convention; they are banned there as well. Any thoughts as to why?
Well that's strikingly similar to a conversation I had w/ one of their board members Lori O'neill as 'Gunsensus'. They have no idea that the NRA HQ has a on site firearm range. They also just 'assume' that the NRA conventions don't allow CCW. Nevermind the fact that I carried at the '08 and '09 conventions and it was lawful at the '11 convention in PA. The only one for the last 4 years where it wasn't allowed was in NC and that was due to state law, not because of the 'NRA'.

So just another 'fact' completely made up by the anti-rights cultists. As if 'facts' mattered to them at all, only getting rid of guns.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Out of New Material

Not me, although the muse hasn't really struck me lately, but Elliot Fineman at the NGAC.

Weer'd noted that there's another post up there w/ supposed claims by the NRA. I knew I'ld read it before. It's a direct copy/paste from a 'factsheet' they posted last year. The same fallacies we've laughed at for years plus a call to ban handguns and semi-autos.

Just to show you how far gone these people are, they tried to defend their position on how dangerous it is to legally allow firearms in Starbucks. The example they use?

A shooting in Washington DC from 1997. That's right. Washington DC. Where owning handguns had been banned for 20 years never-mind carrying them. The exact 'gun free zone' they wanted.

This is a mental condition. Nothing else can explain it.

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'Snuffy' Pfleger Fails

You know that a person's 'jumped the shark' when they believe that a plastic water gun in the shape of a fish will lead to a life of crime.
That's the latest crusade by wingnut Father 'Snuffy' Phleger of St. Sabina's church in Chicago. Noone else is paying attention to him so maybe if gets completely ridiculous, he can get his name in the paper again.

Here's the truth behind it:
The Kmart baskets were brought to his attention by community members, Pfleger said, the same week that saw several shootings citywide and a 22-year-old shot and killed in the middle of the day in the White Castle’s parking lot in Auburn-Gresham
Note that the 'community members' aren't bringing the names of the shooters, drug-dealers, gang-bangers and other criminals in the community. It's much safer for them to 'crusade' against toys than real violence.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

IL State Rep Darrick Smith "A Real Democrat"

A quote from the Illinois Observer on their endorsement of him:
10th District: Democratic Primary: Derrick Smith vs. Tom Swiss. Smith is the real Democrat. Swiss is a Republican who is cynically attempting to bamboozle Democratic voters. Incumbent State Rep. Smith is endorsed.
Also in the news regarding Rep Smith, on the very same day:

State Rep. Arrested, Charged With Bribery

Yeah, he's 'the real Democrat' alright. A first-termer who's proven himself to be a typical anti-gun Chicago hack. Good riddance to him.

I wonder how stupid the 'Illinois Observer' is feeling right now?

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Fanboy Wars: AR v AK Let the Battle Continue

Over at SayUncle/Gun Nuts.

I spent years being formally trained on the AR/M-16 platform, own a Colt SP-1 and have fired many different M-4geries etc.

I also own an SAR-1 AK clone.

Between the two, I prefer shooting the AK. I may not get as tight groupings but it’s more comfortable for me to shoot and I just enjoy it more.

Simple as that.

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'Chilling' PSH

I don't know which is funnier, watching fanboys gush over a novelty firearm ;) or the PSH from the other side how it's the weapon that will end civilization.

The shorts-staining item this time? A dbl barreled .45 handgun. I wish someone would develop an anti-PSH gun that "has the power to knock down (the) bull"-sh!t coming from so-called 'journalists'.

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Where Great Britain Used to Be

Uncle links to an article on a really talented artist who makes very accurate replicas out of cardboard, including some firearms.

Besides following the Journalist's Guide to Firearms, the article makes a point to call them 'toy' and 'model' guns. Because someone might get confused, thinking you could really shoot a piece of cardboard that's shaped like a gun, and call the Bobbies on him.

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Time Change

Is kicking my @ss so no motivation. Enjoy some historical DOOT.

2011 Year In Review
2010 YIR
2009 YIR
2008 YIR

And it that doesn't interest you, here's what it sounds like around my house tonight:

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Afternoon on the Range

What to do w/ a bunch of leftover B-day party balloons? They make excellent BB targets.

Now if I can just get out for a bit to beat the rust off.

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