They weren't done yet
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Disenfrachising the Military
Dozens of counties across the US are in violation of the MOVE act, put into place due to locals not counting or sending out absentee ballots to the military. Apparently that didn't change things.
And now in Illinois:
We all know that had something like this occurred two years ago, the MSM would be screaming 'VOTER FRAUD' and demanding heads.
Where are they now? I guess it's just not news that's fit to print.
And again, since I choose to differ radically from mass media products, that makes me a 'domestic extremist'.

Several New York counties including the five boroughs of New York City were found to be in violation of the deadline after the state was permitted by the Defense Department to move its deadline to Oct. 1 because the state's primary day was four days before the deadline.
The Justice Department settled a case with New Mexico Tuesday where six counties failed to mail ballots by the deadline.
And now in Illinois:
I can report that Illinois has at least 25 counties which failed to mail military ballots in compliance with federal law.
We all know that had something like this occurred two years ago, the MSM would be screaming 'VOTER FRAUD' and demanding heads.
Where are they now? I guess it's just not news that's fit to print.
And again, since I choose to differ radically from mass media products, that makes me a 'domestic extremist'.
Friday, October 15, 2010
He'll Kill Puppies!!!!

IL Gov Quinn, in an act of desperation for his losing campaign, put out an ad claiming R Candidate Bill Brady wants to kill puppies and kitties. No. I'm not kidding.
Then it goes on to show alleged 'staunch Republicans' who 'won't vote for him'.
This is something out of a sitcom episode, not serious politics. The man has no idea what he's doing.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
A Really Late B-day Gift
The MIL remembered she hadn't given me a birfday gift (from way back in July) so she handed me a check the other day. What better to do w/ (part of) it than to buy a new toy?
Mounted on my Colt SP-1

This weekend will be the zeroing.

This weekend will be the zeroing.
Gun Porn
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Joyce Foundation Spreading The......Love. Yeah, That's It
The Joyce Foundation, financiers of the majority of anti-gun activity in the US has bought their own private media outlet in order to push their agenda of gun bans and onerous restrictions.
"Media Matters", back in July, received a $400K grant from the Joyces and have dutifully pushed their message of smearing firearm advocates by trying to connect them w/ violent and unhinged criminals. Of course other Joyce Puppets like Josh Horwitz/Grits Jr. then complete the circle jerk by citing MM as 'definitive news'. MM then cites the CSGV etc. And they all go home w/ smiles on their faces for a 'job' well done.
Gun Control 'grassroots' in action folks.

"Media Matters", back in July, received a $400K grant from the Joyces and have dutifully pushed their message of smearing firearm advocates by trying to connect them w/ violent and unhinged criminals. Of course other Joyce Puppets like Josh Horwitz/Grits Jr. then complete the circle jerk by citing MM as 'definitive news'. MM then cites the CSGV etc. And they all go home w/ smiles on their faces for a 'job' well done.
Gun Control 'grassroots' in action folks.
Monday, October 11, 2010
It's Easy Being Green
I did a status update on FaceBook and was surprised at the number of responses. What was it about you ask? I noted that right after I vented my dryer into the house, the temp. shot back up into the 90's.
W/i a few minutes, several people had commented on what a good idea that was to save some energy.
The principle and implementation are simple. Let the heat and humidity from the dryer help warm your house during the cold months instead of wasting it.
I have a attachment I bought from the hardware store which connects to the back of the dryer. It contains a switch to change the venting from inside to outside and a screen to catch lint/dust. I don't use the switch due to the placement of my dryer and the outside vent hole so I just remove/replace it depending on the time of year.
Another method is to have a 5 gal. bucked w/ one large hole in the middle for the tubing and a series of smaller holes around the top. Fill the bucket about 1/2 way w/ water and connect to your dryer.
I turn my heat down at night so I put in a load right before bed and/or when I get up in the morning and turn it back up. One or two loads a day keeps the humidity level of my house just about right during the winter. A dryer sheet acts just like an air freshener.
So I cut down on my utility bills and reduce my 'carbon footprint' ( :) ) at the same time while not putting myself out more than the few minutes it takes to switch the tubing twice a year. Win/Win
UPDATE: Yeah, this isn't recommended for gas driers unless you like not waking up w/ a healthy pink glow.

W/i a few minutes, several people had commented on what a good idea that was to save some energy.
The principle and implementation are simple. Let the heat and humidity from the dryer help warm your house during the cold months instead of wasting it.
I have a attachment I bought from the hardware store which connects to the back of the dryer. It contains a switch to change the venting from inside to outside and a screen to catch lint/dust. I don't use the switch due to the placement of my dryer and the outside vent hole so I just remove/replace it depending on the time of year.
Another method is to have a 5 gal. bucked w/ one large hole in the middle for the tubing and a series of smaller holes around the top. Fill the bucket about 1/2 way w/ water and connect to your dryer.
I turn my heat down at night so I put in a load right before bed and/or when I get up in the morning and turn it back up. One or two loads a day keeps the humidity level of my house just about right during the winter. A dryer sheet acts just like an air freshener.
So I cut down on my utility bills and reduce my 'carbon footprint' ( :) ) at the same time while not putting myself out more than the few minutes it takes to switch the tubing twice a year. Win/Win
UPDATE: Yeah, this isn't recommended for gas driers unless you like not waking up w/ a healthy pink glow.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
How Times (or Tribunes) Change
A little over two years ago, the Chicago Tribune called for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. No ifs ands or buts.
While I'm not claiming that the Trib has come around to common sense, it certainly shows how their claims of 'blood in the streets' have not come true and how banning guns has taken a distant relevance to the financial disaster out 'leaders' have driven the state into.

Repeal the 2nd Amendment? Yes, it’s an anachronism.Now they're endorsing BILL Brady for Governor, endorsed by the NRA and ISRA and whose opponent has run inflammatory attack ads regarding his strong support for firearm rights including Concealed Carry and Evil Black Rifles.
While I'm not claiming that the Trib has come around to common sense, it certainly shows how their claims of 'blood in the streets' have not come true and how banning guns has taken a distant relevance to the financial disaster out 'leaders' have driven the state into.
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