A little nervous (you need to look up more Sebastian :) ) but a good overview of getting out and spreading the message. Most of the follow-up questions were directed to Sebastian and the speaker from the SCCC as these were the newest topics for most of the attendees.
Following the seminar, Sailorcurt and I got into discussion w/ several of the NRA reps on what we felt the NRA was doing right and what we felt they needed to improve on both politically and in relation to their PR w/ the boots on the ground. With luck, these discussions we've been having will filter up. Either way, they were listening and we might see some more pro-gun blogs hitting the web.
After going back to the hotel to clean up and get pretty-fied, we headed over to the KICC for the banquet. After mulling around for an hour or so where I met several other IL activists, we found our tables and the show began:
This was followed by LA Governor Bobby Jindal. Not only is he an eloquent speaker but he's a strong pro-gun advocate as well. He has an A rating by not only the NRA but the GOA as well. I ask this. Why the hell isn't he running for president? I've heard rumblings that McCain might give him the nod for the VP slot. God I hope so.
As hard as he was to follow. Glenn Beck, the keynote speaker at the banquet, managed. I don't watch him much as he's much more conservative than me and I don't agree w/ many of his opinions, but I tip my hat to a fantastic speaker. Referring to Michael Moore as a "Meatball in Sneakers" and the current presidential candidates as the "Three Stooges" had me, as well as the entire hall, on our feet, cheering and applauding. As he asked. "Is this the best we can do"? No, it's not, but unfortunately, it's what we've got. I think I'm going to have to start watching him more often.
The food was good, the service was slow, the company was great.
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