Saturday, March 30, 2013

Racist Much?

Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year....
Three words ladies..

Chi.  Ca.  Go. 

Or three more..

Eff.  Bee.  Eye. 

But don't talk about that.  That's raaaacissssst. 

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Rigged 'Polls'

Bloomie's MAIG is circulating a 'poll' among anti-gun circles to try and create more fake 'grassroots' support.  Crappy wording, registration required, faulty registering system.  Everything you'ld expect from them to try and get their pre-generated numbers.

ht to 'savetheguns' FB page.

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While anti-gun fanatics try and blame guns for crime, Miguel highlights one of the REAL reasons.  Long story short, goblin gets ventilated trying to steal some property.  Sister of goblin says he wasn't a 'bad guy'. 
“He’s a good guy, you know,” said Lynn Eason, Holdman’s sister. “He never really hurt nobody or went out of his way to be mean or nasty to anybody. Maybe he did get caught in the wrong situation, but I think it could have been handled differently, better than that.”
“He wasn’t armed. I mean, lawn equipment?” said Melissa Jones, a friend of Holdman. “It doesn’t make no sense to kill somebody for a weedwacker that cost $110. C’mon. That’s somebody life.”
Her definitions of 'good guy' and 'hurt' seem to be a bit skewed. This wasn't just a one-shot event of some guy stealing to feed his family.  Take a look at skippy's record:

F-10-024001 08/17/2010 09/07/2010 TAMPER/PHYS EVIDENCE
M-12-000199 01/03/2012 02/06/2012 TRESPASS/PROPERTY
F-11-030753 11/29/2011 01/03/2012 GRAND THEFT 3RD DEG
B-11-002965 01/22/2011 01/22/2011 LOITERING OR PROWL
M-10-036040 07/20/2010 07/20/2010 CANNABIS/POSN/0-20
F-09-038723 12/01/2009 12/21/2009 STOLEN PROP/DEAL IN
F-07-012438 04/10/2007 05/08/2007 BURGLARY/UNOCC/DWELL
F-07-017737 05/24/2007 06/21/2007 UNEMPLOY COMP FRAUD
F-07-008193 03/06/2007 05/08/2007 BURGLARY/UNOCC/STRUC
F-07-008192 03/06/2007 05/08/2007 STOLEN PROP/DEAL IN
F-00-019592 06/21/2000 10/10/2000 ROBBERY/STRONGARM
F-99-007259 03/01/1999 04/07/1999 ROBBERY/STRONGARM
M-99-003665 01/20/1999 04/09/1999 CANNABIS/POSN/0-20
F-98-042799 12/22/1998 02/05/1999 BATT/SPORTS OFFICIAL
F-98-042788 12/22/1998 02/05/1999 BATTERY/AGG/ATT
M-09-036581 06/20/2009 07/27/2009 RESIST OFF W/O VIOL
F-09-020433 06/20/2009 07/20/2009 BURGLARY/UNOCC CONVY
M-06-019937 04/17/2006 04/17/2006 RESIST OFF W/O VIOL
F-02-018589 06/26/2002 03/25/2003 ROBB/SUDDEN SNATCH
F-03-011385 04/24/2003 05/14/2003 BATTERY/FELONY
M-03-023199 05/14/2003 10/14/2003 BATTERY
F-05-012399 04/19/2005 05/18/2005 COKE/SELL/DEL/W/INT
F-05-012399-A 04/19/2005 08/05/2005 COKE/SELL/DEL/W/INT
F-12-008238 04/04/2012 05/03/2012 BURGLARY/UNOCC/STRUC

So we have multiple battery charges, resisting officers w/ violence (missed the O), 'strongarm' robbery.  Yeah, real sweetheart this one.

And you can see the problem.  One can guess that his actions have been defended and apologized for his entire life. Why shouldn't he continue if he's got the support of his family and friends?  But anti-gun fanatics will NEVER point to that, instead they'll blame the home-owner for defending himself. As the CSGV has stated: "'Using armed violence in any context is flat out wrong..."

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gun Ownership is Declining

Last year, the state received 338,614 applications, the highest yearly total, according to state police data going back to 2006. The total for the first three months of 2013 is nearing 188,000, or more than half the applications received for all of 2012.
So what was that again?

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IL Rep. (IL-05) Quigley: Banning 75% of firearms 'Common-Sense'

He supports bans on Handguns, Semi-auto rifles, and Private sales.  He supports registration and licensing while at the same time lying about what the police have available to them for crime control.

I don't think that word means what he thinks it means. 

This is your gun control leadership in action.

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From the Mouths of Idiots

Biden says gun control votes 'only the beginning'

Well duh.  That's what we've been saying for years now.  It's nice that they're finally admitting it at all levels though. 

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Another MAIG Mayor Arrested

This time it's Craig Lowe of Gainesville, FL for DUI and property damage

They haven't scrubbed him as of 7am central.  Let's see how long it takes.
This is your gun control leadership in action.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Quote of the Day

"If you think the average American adult is too stupid to shop correctly, why in the hell are you so bloody determined to make sure he can vote?" 

-Lelnet on Sharp as a Marble

Because the ones who ARE too stupid to 'shop correctly' are the ones voting for the idiots making those decisions about shopping standards.

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Feeling Better About Themselves is the Point

This started out as a comment on Miguel's but got long enough I decided to post it.

He says:
It is really sad that even in the heart of Chicago, Gun Control Central, Anti Gun activists are unable to gather more than a couple of handful (I count under 20) volunteers for a flash mob.
 See, now the point of these isn't to really 'do' anything but to make the attendees 'feel' better about themselves for 'doing something'.  That's clearly shown by 'Mark' who works for the ICHV:
"as someone who was there the most amazing part was the impact the action had on the people there hence why those pictures went up first! Thanks for liking our page"
Note he doesn't say anything about passerby's or people stopping to watch.  It was all about the 'people there'.  They feel better about themselves so now can go home and sleep peacefully even though nothing has changed.  Chicago gangbangers will still be shooting eachother (and eachother's children) and the thousands of ISRA members will still be contacting their reps. to stop the stupid crap in the legislature.

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But Not 'His' Freedoms....

King Bloomie:
“I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom,”
Well of course.  He's got money, publicly funded security and dozens of bought off politicians.  HE can do anything he likes. 

But when it comes to his twice monthly trips to Bermuda, (where the laws he put in place in NYC don't exist) well he has the 'right' and the 'freedom' to relax how he chooses, right?

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Paper of Making Up the Record

In another ill-informed screed on 'biometric guns' , the author makes this claim:
  Pro-gun bloggers were furious when they saw James Bond, in “Skyfall,” proudly showing off his new biometrically protected weapon. They were convinced it was a Hollywood plot to undermine their rights.
 Which 'pro-gun bloggers'?  Who is they?  Why, one wonders, in an article filled w/ links, not a single one was presented to support this assertion?

No, really I don't wonder.  It's pretty obvious, just like the author's bias.And take a look at the comments to see just how well educated and tolerant the NYT readership is when it comes to firearms (or economics, or culture) etc.

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Another Chicago Slapdown

In Illinois, there are two to nail people w/o FOID cards, Unlawful use of Weapon (UUW), a misdemeanor, and Agrravated Unlawful Use of Weapon (AgUUW), a Felony. 

The problem?  Both have the EXACT same provisions for conviction. So IOW, you can arbitrarily be charged w/ either one depending on the whim of the prosecutor and judge. 

That has just been made a lot more difficult for the gun grabbers in Chicago.  People v Donta Mosley just was decided (I don't know the details) but it declared AgUUW unconstitutional due to disproportionate penalties. It also put a major spike in Chicago's plans to increase prison time for delayed FOIDs.

If any readers could find the electronic version (I'm told the full ruling is squee-inducing) you'll get one of the NEW supr-sekret DOOT wear patches that are on their way.

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Chicago-crats Trying To Slip One By

While everyone has been focused on the big CCW and AWB bills in Illinois, the unpolished turds from Chicago tried to slip one by.  While not onerous on the surface, increasing penalties for weapons violations, the wording is the key.  HB2265 is designed to trap not criminals, but legal firearm owners w/ viscous penalties should they make ANY mistake w/ their licenses. 

FOID delayed?  Don't get your CCW renewal returned to you in time?  You could face 3 yrs for it. 

So yeah, they'll try anything to screw firearm owners over.  So much for 'common-sense' and 'reasonable'. 

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