One Texas poster, unable to refute the fact that all of their claims were just hysterical nonsense and appeals to emotion, took the logical fallacies one step further and started asking why out of state gun people were posting there. Of course when it was pointed out he had no problems accepting help from DC based paid gun control advocates at the CSGV, including Ladd Everitt, he got upset, asked us all to leave, then blocked me.
Basically these groups put out the call for support then cry foul when others who don't agree w/ their ideology are also listening and take action.

I'm glad you like to fight them directly. Gives me warm fuzzies.
They've been getting people from out of state to call our reps here in Texas in an attempt to block campus carry legislation, and have not been worried about hiding it. Well, up until they get called out on their hypocrisy, that is.
Freedom hating, totalitarian sociopaths aren't nice people. Who knew?
Hey! I WAS there too, until I called out the CSGV on banning and censoring on their own FB page. Then I noticed a second moderator show up for this morning only, all dissenting comments disappeared, then I was blocked. What an epic failure on the anti-gun group part. By failing to recognize the other side of a debate, they prove that they are unwilling to listen to a vocal majority who oppose their insanity. The Brady page does the same thing.
Actually, it's funny. I've been following your blog for a while and just realized you were in the now nonexistent discussion as well. :/
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