Why, instead of mailing the 'Firearm Disposition Form', the registration office is now requiring people to physically go to the office to obtain and fill it out.
I'ld bet Alderman Mell gets his own copy though.

Detroit’s Channel 7 reports that the Reverend’s(Jackson) Caddy Escalade SUV was stolen and stripped of its wheels while he was in town last weekend with the UAW’s militant President Bob King leading the “Jobs, Justice, and Peace” march promoting government-funded green jobs.Read that again: Jackson’s Caddy SUV was stripped while he was in town promoting green jobs.
"In 1975, we didn't have this problem," Glenn Brown, Paterson's police director and a lifelong resident, told the Herald News. "We didn't have the number of shootings that you have today.He goes on.
And we certainly didn't have the number of guns."Those guns help feed a perception of violence in a city that could be, and should be, known for so much more...
Still, the prevalence of guns is the game-changer, the difference, if you will, between life and death.
Yep. It's the NRA's fault again. Nevermind that in 1975 we also didn't have the NJ Assault Weapon Ban, Background checks or many other 'reasonable common sense laws. '
The VPC et al ramble on endlessly (falsely) that the firearm industry is dying and there are LESS firearm owners than there were in 1975 than now. But guns are the 'game changer'?Oh wait, I apologize. I missed a word in the above quote.
"In 1975, we didn't have this gang problem,Hmm.
“Every NRA-type would have shot Huey Newton on sight.”Another cute trick is referring to southern states as 'The Confederacy'.
“The problem is, the NRA-types are more like the Serb aggressors than the Bosnians.”
“Except the NRA-types are the ones opposing mosques, so your logic fails.”
“What well-regulated militia do you belong to?”A walking talking example of a Gun Bigot. He may be a wiz at math but his numbers don't add up.
“How does one use free speech to deprive people of their right to join a well-regulated militia?”
"anyone — including gang members, people with severe mental illness, and domestic violence offenders — can buy a handgun from an unlicensed seller with no questions asked.Ignoring the fact that there is full licensing in the state.