Saturday, February 16, 2013

Retroactive Reasoned Discourse

Some time ago I got into a lengthy discourse w/ an intellectual giant and self-proffessed 'progressive' named Kenneth Quinnell. Well I got an email from a reader who had read my original post but wasn't quite sure what I was talking about so I went a-lookin'.

Turns out Kenny sometime over the last year or so went back and DELETED all my comments offering him the asswhooping he so deserved.  You can still see some elements of my replies in his comments but w/o all the corroborating evidence and links I presented and he ignored.

You have to love how confident they are in their chosen belief system but what can you say to someone who makes a comment like this:
The number of people that is attacked in life-threatening situations is so low, I don’t speculate about it, because it doesn’t happen.
 This is not someone who resides in reality.

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Laws Are For Little People

He's not a MAIG mayor but Jesse Jackson Jr. has now been convicted charged of stealing 3/4 of a million dollars while at the same time proposing gun bans and other laws that us plebeians would be forced to live under.  His like minded fellows run around w/ tax payer funded security forces armed w/ the same firearms that they have deemed 'to dangerous' for us to own for our own defense.

We are a nation of men, not laws.

(Update: really need to take more screencaps. All the articles this morning said 'convicted'.)
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Friday, February 15, 2013

Chicago Police Chief: Petitioning Gov't = 'Corruption'

See, in his world, people banding together to tell their representative gov't what they want is somehow wrong.
 In response to the question, are gun rights groups somehow corrupting public safety, McCarthy had this to say, "Well, how is it that they're controlling politicians. How are they controlling elected officials? It's not by popular vote."
In his world, Chicago is the only place that exists and those other 9 million people and 57,000 square miles of land outside the city limits don't exist.   It's all about what goes on in his little district is what's reality.

This is how detached the leadership of Chicago is from the rest of the world. Not only do they have no clue what's going on in the rest of the world but they don't even recognize (or comprehend) the political process that runs most of the rest of the country.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

You Might Be A Prepper If....

Probably old but I found it funny:

You go to Mc Donalds and ask for one order of fries with 25 packs of 
ketchup and mustard.
You know which bugs are edible.
The people in line at Costco ask if you run a store or restaurant.
You start panicking when you are down to 50 rolls of toilet paper.
The best radio in the house is a wind-up.
You were excited beyond all reason when they came out with cheddar cheese in a can.
You save dryer lint to make fire starters.
You have emergency rations for your pets, and view your pets as potential 
emergency rations.
Your paper boy throws the paper into the barbed wire surrounding the perimeter 
of your house just for the heck of it.
You stock up on kerosene and firewood in 102 degree summer heat.
You have a cookbook all about Spam.
Your shopping list includes numbered items like .22, .308., .357 and 7.62
You’ve ever bought antibiotics for human use through a vet or grains for 
human consumption through a feed store.
Your box springs are Rubber Maid containers filled with rice and beans.
You went to a dinner party where MREs were served.
You’ve ever considered buying an above-ground pool for water storage purposes.
You have set aside space for your live chickens in the fallout shelter.
You use your Gerber Tool to cut your steak at a fine dining establishment.
Your 'To Do list' includes changing the batteries on the seismic ground sensors 
surrounding your home
You dog has a bug out bag.
You ask Santa for canning jar lids
Interviewing you is a requirement for the local Scout troop for earning the 
'Pioneering' merit badge.
You know how to cook leather.
You have 6 dozen diapers in your closet and you don't have any children living 
at home.
You open your closet and are hit by bags of beans and bags of rice falling off 
the shelf.
You can cook better with your wood cookstove than you can with your 
conventional range.
Your neighbors call you instead of 911.
Your 12 year old daughter instructs a 53 year old lawyer on how to properly use
 his AR-15.
You know what a Faraday Cage is.
Your favorite car trip game is "When I bug out, I'm going to take with me....."
You always keep a new set of shoelaces handy in case you have to tie off an 
umbilical cord in an emergency.
You are more concerned about shelf life of food than sale price.
Most of you food purchases come in 5 gallon buckets. 

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Quote of the Day: Wow, Just Wow Department

From this highly educated comment on the ISRA FB page:
Hey....that's a great idea. Lets quit selling weapons to the police because we are now going to take our ball and go home. Olympic Arms produces a "killing machine" it serves NO PURPOSE being in the hands of the general public. This "killing machine" doesn't just leave a small entry severes limbs and blows off heads of military adults......can you imagine what 11 seperate bullets does to one innocent first grader?
He's talking about an AR-15 firing .223. Someone's been watching to many Rambo movies.

I was once told that shooting a deer w/ a single shot from an AR would 'destroy' the animal. Yes folks, this is what they honestly believe about guns and it's the rule, not the exception.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Mentality of Gun Control Advocates

Via TBFKASIH comes this video:

Assuming you can make it through, just listen to the sneering condescending attitudes of these holier-than-thou's in their quest to misinform and demonize firearm owners and the NRA.  They are incapable of understanding that there is anything other than the NRA when it comes to guns.  I guess it makes it easier to stereotype and defend their bigotry that way.

Make sure to give it a big-'ol thumbs down vote since they can't handle comments. 

UPDATE:  Aaaaaand..... Ratings have been disabled.  The 'Truth' hurts. 

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Only Imperial Stormtroopers Are So Precise

Bullet holes courtesy of the LAPD.  At least they were generous enough to offer the ladies a new truck.  All better now.

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OGRE 6th Ed Kickstarter Sheet Preview

Being one of the cool nerds (and for dropping a ton of cash on their Kickstarter campaign), I have been privy to receiving an early sample of one of the Steve Jackson Games KS  Edition Exclusive sheets (P1 to be precise) along w/ a nice 'shout out' note from SJ and OGRE Line Editor Daniel Jew.  Out of the envelope:


And assembled:
A NA Combine Mk VI and Vulcan w/ Repair Drone along w/ a PE Dopplesodner and a Command Post.

They are about the same size as the OGRE Mini's from the 90's.  I know there was some concern over the choice of heavy cardboard pieces in lieu of plastic mini's/moldings but this really emphasized the point that I think the cardboard pieces were the way to go.  There's something like a dozen+ sheets of vehicles and terrain in the box as it is.  Had it gone 3d plastic, it would have been twice the size of the suitcase it already is and been like shipping bricks weight wise. 

I can't wait until June.  My floor will be covered w/ game pieces and terrain.

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Bloomberg Buying Illinois Elections

Remember last year when the anti's and self-professed liberals were screaming about how much 'outside money' was involved in the Walker recall? 

Well I'm sure you won't here a peep from them about Bloomie dumping over $1million into defeating Debbie Halvorson for JJJ's open seat.

See, in this case it's OK for all this 'outside money' to be dumped into a political arena because the person it's against is pro-gun and we can't have that now can we?

Bloomie will do anything and spend any amount to attack firearm ownership and he won't keep it limited to NYC.

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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Rhoads Scholar

Politicians try to convince us that their feel good anti-gun measures will keep people like this:

From breaking the law.  This wonder of humanity has a criminal past and not only managed to get ahold of a firearm but was also carrying it illegally.  One more law would have made him think twice, right?

"Oh noes!, they made it illegal-er to break the law multiple times.  I don't want to sell them death sticks.  I'm going to go home and re-think my life"

Then we enter the real world where people like this only understand incarceration or another gun ending their warranty on life.

Also note that when PuSH'ers figure in the 'medical costs of gun violence', this paragon's visit to the hospital for his skull being bounced off the pavement is included.

H/T to reader 'Mydnight'

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Gov't sales Boycott

So Bloomie and the Illegal Mayors Against Guns think that they can force firearm companies from selling to their most lucrative market, civilians, by threatening not to buy from them.

OK.  Well let's take that in reverse.

Larue Tactical has taken a lesson from Ronnie Barrett and is limiting sales to police to what local citizens can own:
Effective today, in an effort to see that no legal mistakes are made by LaRue Tactical and/or its employees, we will apply all current State and Local Laws (as applied to civilians) to state and local law enforcement / government agencies.
Gun Rights North Carolina is asking ALL manufactures (specifically those that supply the NYPD)to follow the same example and show these gun banning fanatics just WHERE the economic incentive lies.
W/ the recent events in CA, we see that that the arguments that 'only police should have 'assault weapons' because they're trained' is a fabrication by statists wanting nothing more than civilian disarmament.

If we can't have them, then neither should the police.

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