As of writing this, it's 87% no, 12% yes.
" Following Hurricane Katrina, the NRA promoted a conspiracy theory about mass gun confiscations in Katrina..."When this was refuted, CSGV employee 'Grits Jr.' opined:
The NRA had to hire private investigators and located only 75 New Orleans residents (in a city with a pre-Katrina population of 450,000) that would claim their guns were confiscated.So 'only' 75 people had their guns illegally confiscated (even though there were hundreds more not found) and the city was found in contempt of court for denying even that.
"We had a fellow who wanted to open a gun selling business and we said no way," said Trustee Dominic Falagario...
As a result, an ordinance reenacting weapons dealers licensing and amending associated fees and penalties was approved at the Feb. 9 board meeting. The ordinance further states that the villages' current weapons dealer licensee must cease doing business in the village no later than April 30, 2013.
Residents in Surrey and Kent villages have been ordered by police to remove wire mesh from their windows as burglars could be injured...
'I reinforced my shed windows with wire mesh, but was told by the police I had to be very careful because thieves can actually sue you if they get hurt.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - February 12, 2011
SB 234 is on the agenda of the FL Senate Committee on Criminal Justice on Tuesday, February 22nd at 9:00am. Florida Carry, Inc. urgently requests that you email via the members of the committee in support of Senate Bill 234.
This NRA authored bill comprises several separate initiatives. These include the option for CWFL holders to carry openly; a provision to authorize carry at career centers, colleges, and universities; the right to store a firearm in one's vehicle wherever it may be lawfully parked; the authorization for the Department of Agriculture to take fingerprints; the repeal of Florida’s ban on long gun purchases in most other states. Quite simply put, this is the most comprehensive carry rights bill since shall-issue concealed carry was passed twenty-four years ago...