"Anyone can lose control at any moment."Think about the level of fear and clinical paranoia a person must have to believe that. To believe that we are all just another Cho, Lougner, Hasan, or Lane waiting to happen 'at any moment'. That they can't recognize the difference between a truly immoral/sociopathic action and an arbitrary bureaucratic prohibition. Then realize that this person believes they should set policy for you, determining what you should be 'allowed' to do w/ your rights, property and life. Also remember that the majority of the NGAC board are also affiliated w/ the Brady Campaign.
On another note, what kind of people is he around if he's "seen people jump out of a cars and come to blows over a parking spot, taxis cutting them off, violent arguments in movies about texting etc." on such a regular occurrence that it's the standard for his view of society?
Oh, Chicago. Right. The city w/ some of the strictest gun laws in the nation and 5x the murder rate of the rest of the state. Gun Control is a mental illness.