Saturday, November 17, 2012

Double Standards

Miguel over at GunFreeZone is classified as a terrorist by the anti-gun groups since he was denied an NICS check. The reason being that while he's an upstanding citizen there are numerous other people w/ his or similar names w/ dubious pasts. 

See, now according to Ladd Everitt of the CSGV, this is perfectly acceptable since he has a means of appeal no matter the hassle and expense involved including more gov't inefficiency, fingerprinting etc.

Yet at the same time, they cried to the sky over voter ID laws being 'disenfranchising' to poor and minorities yet this is a person denied/delayed a right due to his Hispanic name.

There is no logic to their arguments, only the hatred of guns and gun owners.

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Friday, November 16, 2012

They Have Killed That Which Could Not Be Killed

Twinkies, the food product that could survive a nuclear war, apparently could not survive a union strike

Smart move.  Go on strike during a severe recession against a company in bankruptcy.

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Unorganized Militia Gear

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Watching the Trainwreck

So I haven't had much time to do much in-depth blogging over the last few weeks due to a bit of election burnout and a busy schedule.  Just a few brief thoughts.

Obama's again the #1 gun salesman.  Even w/o the claim of supporting a semi-auto ban and the momentary erections that's caused the gun banners, there are just two things to say on the REAL threat he poses.  Kagan and Sotomayor.

Election Fraud w/ dozens upon dozens of districts where there were irregularities in GOP observers being ousted etc.  Yeah. Probably.  Not that anyone will actually do anything about it on either side.

The reaction?  All the petitions to 'peacefully secede'?  If it make you feel better signing one, go for it. Then let's get back to reality and something effective like bolstering the SAF, NRA and local pro-gun groups for the upcoming court/legislature fights.

Petraeus diddling some woman while married. Yeah. That's critical to national security. Nevermind the coverup on the whole Benghazi thing. This is REAL news. Next up, on MSM, Brittany Spears/Lindsay Lohan's latest drunken escapade.

 We're screwed as a nation, society and culture.  Work on taking care of you and yours.

Unorganized Militia Gear Unorganized Militia Gear
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Unorganized Militia Gear

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Late To The Tam Party

No, not really but I usually prefer to do my 'helping' privately.
One of our gun blog community icons, Tam, has some health issues. Some of us are doing things to help her out morale and financial wise.

If you've read her stuff and/or have ever met her, you know it's worth while to help out.

We're a community and this is what communities do.

Unorganized Militia Gear Unorganized Militia Gear
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Unorganized Militia Gear

Got Nothin'

Been busy w/ the new job and things are slow in the gaming and gun world right now. 

Here's some 'Best of DOOT':
Erasing the Second Amendment

Silly 'Assault Weapon' Definitions

Minor Wording Details

Unorganized Militia Gear

Gun Blogger's Lexicon

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Unorganized Militia Gear

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Jail Time For JJJ?

One can hope.

Of course we can expect whatever turd that will take his place will just use a different brand of polish.  It is Chicago after all.

Unorganized Militia Gear Unorganized Militia Gear
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