Friday, November 5, 2010

Just Remember Gov. Quinn

Even though Brady's conceded, I hope you 'recall' (hint hint) that 53.4% of the voting public did NOT want you as the head of our state.

Unorganized Militia Gear

Unorganized Militia Gear

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Unorganized Militia Gear

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Yeah. He's Done.

It's looking like Quinn will remain the Gov of Illinois. W/ 100% reporting, Brady is down about 20k. I don't think they'll find enough disenfranchised military to cover that.

So what we can expect, outside of firearms, is higher taxes, budget cuts and the continuing of our collapsing state economy as businesses flee.

Inside of firearms, it's very dark and oily. Like our prospects for CCW anytime soon.

I've heard anecdotal reports of individuals not bothering to vote because Brady was going to win hands down. I wonder what they're thinking (or what excuses they're making) now.

Unorganized Militia Gear

Unorganized Militia Gear

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Unorganized Militia Gear

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Say It Sulu!!!

The Dead Have Voted in Chicago

Now it's time for the recounts.

Kirk(R) took the Senate. Even though he's a putz it will give Durbin (D) headaches so that's a plus.

The Governor's race, however, is going to be an issue. There's less than 10,000 votes difference w/ Quinn(D) leading Brady (R) and 99% reporting. We could be waiting a while since thousands of military votes were illegally mailed out late in about 25 IL counties (still wondering where the MSM was on that story) along w/ scrutiny since there's already been reports of instances of ballots disappearing and machines breaking down.

Enter the lawyers.

Update: From the GOP Gov. candidate campaign. That Brady:

Our campaign continues to wait for the results from local election officials....

...In addition to the ballots cast in the precincts, absentee and military ballots remain to be counted.

This is going to be awhile.

Unorganized Militia Gear

Unorganized Militia Gear

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Unorganized Militia Gear

Monday, November 1, 2010