OTTAWA -- The federal government is cracking down on a small game rifle, saying it was inappropriately classified as a non-restricted weapon....The Canadian courts determined it was 'functionally similar' to the banned Mitchell AK-22 which is an 'AK-47 variant'.
Owners of the Armi Jager AP80 .22-calibre rifle received a letter from the RCMP in December saying the registration certificates for the firearm would be revoked and they had a month to dispose of their weapons - with no compensation.
As of Dec. 20, the once legally owned gun would be classified as prohibited.
But they make exceptions in the law for these BY NAME:
The Valmet M78 Semi-auto (7.62x39, 7.62x51, 5.56x45)
the Valmet M88 Hunter (.223, .243, .308)
Both are 'AK-47 variants' and much more 'powerful' than a .22lr. Does that make ANY logical sense?
No, because gun control laws are stupid and arbitrary. Decisions and actions in their defense are based on ignorance and fear. So every time they do, we shine a light on it and show the world just what 'gun control' is really about. It's not 'safety' or 'crime' or 'violence', it's about control, projection and fear.