Friday, January 6, 2012

'Common-Sense' Gun Control in Canada

OTTAWA -- The federal government is cracking down on a small game rifle, saying it was inappropriately classified as a non-restricted weapon....

Owners of the Armi Jager AP80 .22-calibre rifle received a letter from the RCMP in December saying the registration certificates for the firearm would be revoked and they had a month to dispose of their weapons - with no compensation.

As of Dec. 20, the once legally owned gun would be classified as prohibited.
The Canadian courts determined it was 'functionally similar' to the banned Mitchell AK-22 which is an 'AK-47 variant'.

But they make exceptions in the law for these BY NAME:

The Valmet M78 Semi-auto (7.62x39, 7.62x51, 5.56x45)

the Valmet M88 Hunter (.223, .243, .308)

Both are 'AK-47 variants' and much more 'powerful' than a .22lr. Does that make ANY logical sense?

No, because gun control laws are stupid and arbitrary. Decisions and actions in their defense are based on ignorance and fear. So every time they do, we shine a light on it and show the world just what 'gun control' is really about. It's not 'safety' or 'crime' or 'violence', it's about control, projection and fear.

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Big Brother Wants YOU.....

to be an informant in NJ.

Nice idea. Bad execution.

It's like the challenge I've made to Jesse Jackson, Snuffie Smith and Al Sharpton:
Sure, I'll support more gun laws for you, as soon as you have your congregation write the names of every family member and neighbor that belongs to a gang and has a gun hidden on a sheet of paper. Let me know when you're done and we'll hold a joint press conference to name names and start to really bring the cycle of violence to an end.
My question is what are the authorities going to do w/ these anonymous 'tips'? Is SWAT going to bust into people homes and start shooting family pets based solely on the call? That's what's most likely going to occur as people just start calling to report anyone who happens to own a gun or that they just don't like.

We'll see.

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Gun Free Paradise

Highland Park, IL is a gun banners paradise. Restrictive laws, registration, and a State Rep who hates the 1st & 2nd Amendment. So incidents like this shouldn't happen, right?
Shortly before 10 p.m. Friday, two armed suspects forced their way into a home on Winona Road in the northern suburb and fired shots. The suspects then tied up the victims and robbed them of jewelry and other valuables before fleeing, police said in a press release today.
So it was only luck that none of the victims were hurt. Plus the fact that they didn't have a chance to defend themselves nor were they able to call police. Good thing they were disarmed.

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

More Shilling From Chicago

Remember the Police Supt. that stated the lack of federal laws restricting guns was racist?

Well he's back to blaming everything else but criminals to politicize a tragedy, you know, that thing that only 'gun nuts' do.

McCarthy said two key ways for crooks to get guns in Chicago are loosely regulated gun shows and “straw buyers” whose lack of a criminal record allows them to purchase weapons for criminals at federally licensed gun stores.

The superintendent said Congress could close loopholes in gun laws without violating the public’s Second Amendment right to bear arms.

Illinois has already closed the 'gun show loophole' and straw purchases are illegal. Maybe it has something to do w/ Chicago having the 2nd highest concentration of gangs in the US. But that wouldn't fit the narrative for a MAIG members political appointee now would it?

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Weer'd points to this site of 'gun violence survivors' (who practice 'reasoned discourse' of course). They make up some claims and lots of random statements but this one is the funniest:
Our economic lever cannot be overcome because we outnumber the NRA’s “extremist” faction by minimally 50 to 1. To establish the economic lever, NGAC will initiate targeted boycotts.
Well, according to their FB page, the 'extremist faction' of the NRA consists of 1.5 people.

Looking at their board, it's made up of all the usual Joyce and Brady retreads and bigots like Andrew Goddard, Tom Vanden Berk, Griffon Dix etc., mostly Chicago based.

Their first target? Starbucks. They hope after the negligent discharge the other day that they won't go down to a resounding failure like last year.

This is their 'grassroots' in action.

UPDATE: Dave Workman wrote about these idiots last January. They've been as effective since. Maybe they only meet in January.

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21 Minutes

That's how long an 18yr old w/ her 3 month old baby was on the phone w/ 911 while armed criminals were trying to break into her home.

21 minutes.

Had she not been armed or if she had been restricted to the standards of Washington DC, etc keeping the gun disabled and w/o ammo, she and likely her baby would be dead right now.

And groups like the Violence Policy Center, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the Brady Campaign prefer that option to her protecting herself. They ALL submitted briefs defending DC and Chicago's gun laws.

Next time a gun control advocate tells you you should rely on the police and that a gun is more dangerous than a criminal. Ask them to start counting. Then start tapping them on the forehead to the count. See how long it takes them to tell you to stop. Ask them what they would do if a criminal were doing something a lot more invasive than that to you or your loved one for 21 minutes while they waited for the police to show.

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Unarmed Self Defense Techniques

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Trust The Gov't

Cop gives a woman a speeding ticket then searches motor vehicle records to find where she lives and ask her out.

But the Gov't would never misuse lists, would they?

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Another Joyce Foundation 'Grassroots' Site

Via Weer'd, Baldr faced liar has started another 'grassroots' site, funded by the Joyce Foundation, to list shootings in order to demonize firearms. 'Reasoned discourse' is in effect.

Added to the Primer

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More MAIG Double Standards

Mobile AL Mayor and MAIG member Sam Jones won't say whether he has a CCW permit after defending himself w/ a gun. Not a surprise since the organization he belongs to opposes CCW and most measures to defend yourself.

Bet he's glad those extremist gun nuts lobbied for the lists to not be public record, eh?

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

'Just One More Law...'

As Sebastaian TBFKASIH notes, Ant's keep touting that violent, repeat criminals will be deterred by minor laws like banning carrying. Just like this guy:

Police say fare-beater caught carrying gun with 34 bullets
Allen was charged with criminal possession of a weapon, criminal possession of a loaded firearm, criminal possession of a defaced weapon and criminal possession of an ammo clip.
So this boy scout had a gun w/ the serial numbers filed off nevermind the possession of a gun illegal in NY and no CCW license. I won't even take any bets that he has a criminal record a mile long.

But just one more law would have made him think twice. Right?

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Gun Show SCORE!!

The New Years show went pretty well. Made a few bucks, got to talk to some folks I haven't seen in awhile and oogled many pretty toys. The fastest sellers for me were socks. There was zombie ammo there and several Saiga shotguns.

Saturday had a promoter come through w/ flyers for his shows in Effingham, IL. The next one's in Feb. I'll be trying to get some tables for that one and see how I do.

The big event for me came on Sunday. A friend of mine who's been talking about a safe of guns he inherited from his father for years came by to see me. The issue has been he never had the combination and had lost the serial number #. Well, he found it and asked if I would sell the majority of the collection for him. I went over to his house after the show to see what he had. This is what first came out:

A heavily beaten up Remington 550-I, held together w/ string. "Oh No" is what was going through my head. Then he pulled out this:
A near mint Ruger 10/22. Better. Next up:
A pair of Winchester Model 1894's. The bottom one is from 1913 and chambered in .30WCF. The top on is from 1918 in .32WS. Both are fully functional.

Then came the handguns. A little Rohn RG38 (SOLD)started those out:

Two Rugers after that:

A Security Six in .357 Magnum (SOLD)

and a Vaquero in .45. (SOLD) Then came a real headshaker:

A COP 4-barrel derringer in 38spcl/.357mag. Cool. More photos: (SOLD)

I'm so tempted to keep that one just for the novelty. Definitely have to fire it at least.

So this was a profitable show. All of these are for sale. I'll probably take the handguns to a FFL just because of the hassle of shipping and the 3-day waiting period in Illinois even for shows. The longguns will be on the table. If my readers are interested in any of the above, contact me at : I will adhere to all local, state and federal laws.

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