Friday, July 20, 2012

Facts vs Politics

While the firearm rights advocates and groups are following the news and asking questions like:

What is the shooter's mental history?
Was he a prohibited person?
What type of firearms did he use?
Was the location a 'gun free zone'?

before we make final judgements outside of it being a tragedy, anti-gun advocates are putting out press releases before the bodies are even cold. They don't know any details beyond that there was a shooting but they want politicians to 'act':
Gun violence is preventable. It is long past time for policymakers at all levels to act.
How is it 'preventable'?  Well they'll determine that later depending on whatever talking point they can get momentum on. 'Assault Weapon', 'Assault Clip', 'Gun Show Loophole', 'Terror Gap'. It doesn't matter as long as they can express their outrage first and trying to make themselves seem 'mainstream'.  In reality, those 'over 30 organizations' consist of a few dozen people nationwide

So who are the ones that really care about preventing violence and who are the ones playing politics w/ a tragedy?

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Here We Go Again. Colorado Shooting

Lunatic loaded for bear shoots up a Colorado movie theater showing the new Batman flick. Reports are 12 dead and 50 injured at this time w/ the suspect in custody. Reports also say he was wearing body armor and helmet and used a 'rifle', 'handguns', smoke and tear gas.

So we can expect the usual bleating from the anti's over this before any hard facts come out. Ban guns. CCW is useless. More restrictions. Stronger background checks. All the 'right wing's' fault. Insurrectionist.

Weer'd's post is here

Update1: According to this thread on DefensiveCarry, some of those theaters are 'gunfreezones'.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Champaign/Urbana IL Zoning Meeting on FFL's

Alert from GSL:

City of Urbana holding zoning hearing affecting Gun Dealers and Gun Ranges.  Please attend to support your local dealers and those exploring buillding a range in Champaign/Urbana.

The case will go in front of the Urbana Plan Commission on Thursday, July 19th at 7:30 PM at the Urbana City Council Chambers, 400 S Vine, Urbana IL 61801.

While reviewing the proposed zoning requirements, nothing appeared to be 'anti-gun', but our team of experts reviewed the documents and found them to be very vague with potential for abuse.  There are suits from similar cases pending in the Federal 7th Circuit Court of Appeals currently.

The proposed zoning requirements state:
FFL's can not be within 500 feet of a school, church, temple, or mosque.
Must have a security plan approved by the local Chief of Police

Ranges must be built to Federal Department of Energy specifications.  Ironic that range design criteria for training security at nuclear installations would be used in 'nuclear-free' Urbana.

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Another Obama Green Success Story

In Nevada:
 The Amonix solar manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas, heavily financed under an Obama administration energy initiative, has closed its 214,000-square-foot facility 14 months after it opened.
Production control issues, likely defaulting on debt.  The usual. 

And here's Obama in '10 calling them a 'success story':

Now what was that about businesses needing gov't investment to succeed again?

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Trading For What Now?

An example of a poorly written article:
 Vernon police want to phase out their arsenal of bean bag-propelling shotguns on favor of a more efficient "less than lethal" weapons system.
Police are asking permission from the Town Council to trade 20 Mossberg Model 590A1 shotguns to a "licensed federal firearms dealer" in exchange for 14 new Glock Model 36 handguns.
What?  Since when does .45ACP become 'less than lethal' unless you buy really expensive, specialty ammo? 

Not until the end of the article does this appear:
Lt. William Meier on Friday said the newer system is a 40mm launcher that fires rubber-coated projectiles. SWAT officers currently use that system, he said. 
Well that makes more sense. Too bad the rest of the article talks about 'more efficient system' and handguns in the same context.

Is there any wonder the general public has no clue about the specifics of firearms?

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Just Stop Already

Back in '08, all over the lefty sites like Democratic Underground , they were squealing about how Bushitler was going to cancel elections, dissolve Congress and declare himself dictator for life.

We saw how accurate that prediction was. 

Now the same is happening from the other side. Two forwards received just today about how secret plans are in the works to declare a national emergency and cancel elections. All through super secret top level informants and using the US military.

The one that really just tweaked me had a bunch of guys going on about seeing Stryker combat vehicles stationed along highway w/ mounted M2's pointing at the highway. Comments going on about 'increased activity' etc.

Two things on that.

One:  The 'damning photo'?  A f&cking stock photo over 10 yrs old that took me about 10 seconds to find on Google. This is my shocked face.

Two: It's annual training season.  This is the time of year you ALWAYS see vehicles and convoys zipping around the highways and interstates.

But bottom line.  Seriously? Does anyone 'really' believe Obama has the support to pull off a military coup?

Let's say there really is some secret forces in the DHS planning a fake assassination attempt in order to instigate riots and declare 'martial law'. Let's say a number of hostile elements do go along w/ the plan and cause problems.  What do you think the majority of the military and public's response would be if he tries to cancel elections and make golfing his lifelong career?  I would say something like Endgame.

So just stop w/ the silliness and hyper-reactions to ridiculous claims.  It makes everyone look bad and the most vocal about it like idiots. There's enough real threats out there that we don't have to invent fake ones.

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Freudian Slip...

By our buddy Ladd:

 So by that statement the CSGV admits there is evidence that the ATF allowed guns into Mexico.
Can we say double negative boys and girls. But as we've seen from their blind devotion to the myth of 'collective rights', proper English is not their strong suit.

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So She's an Idiot

From an article:
Margaret Kary, an 87-year-old from Penney Farms in north Florida, said she thinks the law should be repealed. Kary says getting her 61-year-old daughter to visit Florida has been difficult because of the state’s gun-friendly culture.
 “She’s afraid to come to Florida,” Kary said. “She thinks everyone has a gun in their pocket.” 
 IOW, the daughter has no clue about anything except what she reads in poorly written and biased editorials from her local paper. Unless she lives in Illinois or DC, she comes from a state w/ some form of Carry law and likely a form of 'Stand Your Ground'.  Note they don't mention which state she's from.

And of course the divisions on the Martin thing are racial.  That's been the intent of the reporting from day one, to create as much racial divide and keep it as controversial as possible so the media can sell papers/advertising and Jackson/Sharpton can find another cause to line their pockets.

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