Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chicago Police Chief: "Crime is your fault"

Firearm owners across the state need to be held 'accountable' for the actions of Chicago's violent criminals according to Rahm Emanual's appointed pet policeman Garry McCarthy:
“It will create accountability for gun owners and firearms dealers to ensure that they act in a responsible manner in order to keep guns from falling into the hands of criminals,” McCarthy said.
See? It's YOUR fault Chicago has 5x the murder rate of the rest of the state and YOU need to be held accountable and punished for their actions.

That'll show those gang-bangers.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Bad Reporting

I mentioned the other day the bill allowing IL residents to mail order instate ammo. Imagine my surprise when I read this headline:
Illinois residents can now legally mail order ammunition
Um, no. It passed the Senate 46-6 on Wednesday. It still has to go through the House and be signed by the Gov. Still a ways to go before we 'can now' do it.

I sent a very polite message informing the author of the misleading statement.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

TSA: Protecting America

TSA Manager Arrested for Running Prostitution Ring

Ex-Boston TSA screener sentenced for child porn

TSA officers charged with trashing South Beach hotel room, shooting gun

Don't you feel safer?

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Gura Strikes Again

Any sort of advance the Anti's thought they might be making by dancing in the blood of the FL Martin shooting just got nullifyied (and then some) w/ this:
BATEMAN vs. PERDUE out of the Eastern District of North Carolina.
Key finding:
Although considerable uncertainty exists regarding the scope of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, it undoubtedly is not limited to the confines of the home. In Heller, the Supreme Court found that the Second Amendment includes the right to 'protect [onself] against both public and private violence,' thus extending the right in some form to wherever a person could become exposed to public or private violence. ... Moreover, the right to keep and bear arms was found to have been understood to exist not only for self-defense, but also for membership in a militia and for hunting, neither of which is a horne-bound activity. ..Therefore, the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms "is not strictly limited to the horne environment but extends in some form to wherever those activities or needs occur."
From the SAF:
BELLEVUE, WA - A federal district court judge in North Carolina has just struck down that state's emergency power to impose a ban on firearms and ammunition outside the home during a declared emergency, ruling that the provision violates the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

The case, Bateman v. Purdue, was brought by the Second Amendment Foundation, Grass Roots North Carolina FFE and three individual plaintiffs. Defendants in the case were Gov. Beverly Purdue and Reuben F. Young, secretary of the state's Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, in their official capacities.
One wonders how long this streak of b!tch slapping by Gura will continue.

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The 'Vulture'

There are lots of paranoid, stupid people in this world.
Saudi Arabia captures Israeli 'spy vulture'
Saudi Arabian security services have captured a vulture that is suspected of being a Mossad spy sent over by Israel to gather information about the country.
A vulture. Really people? Some people choose to believe anything.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

GLOCK: The Book

Finally catching up on my 2A reading. Just finished up the GLOCK book by Paul Garrett.

First off, I am not a Glock fanboy nor a real fan of handguns overall, preferring long guns. Not saying I dislike Glocks, I'm just ambivalent towards them.

I really enjoyed reading this book. I've never really studied the history of the company and it was written not as a textbook, but as a story, flowing along smoothly. The information was detailed enough to interest a gun nut but not technical in a way to deter non-gunnies from learning about Glock firearms, the history of the company and some general firearm history to boot.

For the most part the author stays out of the political debate, acknowledging strengths and weaknesses of both sides as he covers the history of the development, promotion and expansion of the company. A combination of luck, talent and some dirty pool.

A point I found interesting was just who he spoke to regarding the politics. While mentioning the NRA regularly, he has almost no direct contact w/ them outside of former lobbyist Richard Feldman. He also virtually ignores the Brady Campaign except for one quote from Dennis Henigan near the end. There are lots of quotes from the Violence Policy Center's Sugarmann and Diaz. No mention of all of the Second Amendment Foundation.

I would recommend this book highly for anyone even remotely interested in the topic.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hutaree Revisited

Remember when the DOJ raided the 'Hutaree' compound and made it seem like there were thousands of them imminently planning of blowing up the USA? Then questions started to arise when it came out most of the info against them were by paid FBI plants, people historically known for attempting to instigate anti-gov't plots (the expression "You can always tell the FBI plant, they're the ones always talking about blowing things up"fits ), and the group was less than a dozen people.

Well it turns out that, as usual, the suspicions had some bearing on the reality.
Mich. militia members cleared of charges that accused them of plotting war against government

Roberts granted requests for acquittal on the most serious charges: conspiring to commit sedition, or rebellion, against the U.S. and conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction. Other weapons crimes tied to the alleged conspiracies also were dismissed.
Yeah. Tell me why we should trust the gov't again?

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Ladd Everitt @CSGV Channels Michael Moore; UPDATE

Remember when Michael Moore put out 'Bowling for Columbine' and claimed that the NRA rushed to Littleton, Colorado to hold rallies right after the shooting? How he used footage of Charleston Heston yelling 'From my cold dead hands' and made it appear that it was in the center of the town?

Remember how that was all just 'creative license' on the part of a political hack film maker and that those rallies never happened in Colorado, in fact were months later halfway across the country?

Well Ladd Everitt, Comm. Dir. of the CSGV, has taken Moore's style to heart and is now claiming that the NRA is selling hoodies 'in the wake of' the Florida shooting. Nevermind that they've been in the store for who knows how long. And he's retweeted it to anyone he can think of, hoping to gain a few individuals to agree w/ them through ignorance or stupidity.

This is the kind of deliberate dishonesty inherent in gun control activists. This is why they'll lose in the long run.

UPDATE: And Ladd doubles down on the lying.
But on their FB page:
So I wonder what definition of 'now' Ladd is using since he specifically worded his posts in a way to state the NRA is marketing it in response to Martin shooting.

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IL Gun Bills Moving

Two bills of note today, SB0681 and SB3625.

SB0681 is a 'Good' bill. Currently I can buy ammo via mailorder and have it shipped. But ONLY from out of state vendors. No. I'm not kidding. This bill fixes that. According to IL-GUNLOBBY, It passed the Senate Revenue Committee and is heading towards the floor.

SB3625 is Rahm's Handgun Registration Bill which we talked about here. The Sponsor, Munoz, put it under a shell bill as an 'Amendment' w/ a lowered fee and renewal than was originally discussed. It, like it's sponsor, is still a POS. Not only does it make it a felony to possess or transport an unregistered handgun, it criminalizes victims of crime through a 'Lost or Stolen Reporting' mandate.

Munoz is another one of those anti-gun ignoramuses that puts his name on whatever 'gun control' bill his Chicago bosses hand him w/o knowing (or caring) anything on the subject. He regularly throws out 'Assault Weapon Bans' including the one from 2003 that would have banned all shotguns and most blackpowder firearms (which Obama also voted for). Being an Army veteran, that makes him either a complete idiot and/or a liar. Apparently this is what a Harvard education gets you nowadays.

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Chicago Voters

IL State Rep Derrick Smith (IL-10) won the primary for his district overwhelmingly. 77%-23% against his opponent.

Good for him, right?

Smith had been arrested the week before on bribery and corruption charges.

Now the Chicago Ward bosses get to appoint who's going to replace him.

These are the kinds of people that are keeping concealed carry from passing and the state economy in shambles because they don't really care who or what they're voting for.

The voting public are morons.

And some wonder why I've been such a pessimist about politics lately, nevermind Mr. "I can get away w/ more crap after the election" Obama, not like we haven't been saying he was going to do that since day one.

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It's Good to be a Guy

Headlined on Yahoo is the world shattering news that *GASP!!* someone named Katy Perry wore a dress similar to a dress some other actress(?) wore 'just' seven months ago.

If two guys wore the same outfit at the same event, they'ld be best friends.

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