You wanted them, you've got them. Besides the classic Unorganized Militia Propaganda Corps Patches, Days of Our Trailers in association with SnarkyBytes bring you UMPC Stickers available in ALL THREE COLORS!!! We also have UMPC Lapel Pins in Subdued Green, the "Liberty Strikes Back" logo by Kent McManigal, the UM Infantry, Marksman, Sniper, and Signal Corps patches in Subdued Green.
To complement the UMPC gear, Days of Our Trailers also has Unorganized Militia INFANTRY, MARKSMAN, SNIPER, and SIGNAL CORPS patches in Subdued Green.
Patches and Pins are $5 ea. for one or two, $4 ea for three or more in any combination. For bulk orders of 10 items or more, E-mail for pricing. Stickers are $1 ea. . All prices include shipping and any applicable fees. Paypal, Check, or MO accepted. To purchase using PayPal use:
thirdpower at hotmail dot com
Or you can send a check or MO to:
Roy Kubicek
PO Box 184
Ashmore, IL 61912

Hot Chicks w/ guns wear DOOTWear:

Or you can send a check or MO to:
Roy Kubicek
PO Box 184
Ashmore, IL 61912
Make sure to include a detailed list of the items you want and a way to contact you in case of a discrepancy.
Hot Chicks w/ guns wear DOOTWear:

Let me figure out what I will be putting it on, and you will be getting an order from me :).
Patches are great! I put one on my range bag.
Nice! If you would like to use my "Time's Up" flag design for a patch, feel free.
I don't suppose an Unorganized Militia Propaganda Corps MI patch...?
Not yet but it's an idea for later expansions.
How about a UM Medical Corps? Someone has to fix those non-electrical, pop-up targets....
Bandaid 7
Since I'm a "Radio Guy" who's *quite* good at it, could I post the Signal Corps patch on my blog?
Certainly. Make sure to pass it along.
OK, I'll go with the secondary--I won a Signal Corps patch in the raffle at Gun Bloggers' Rendezvous.
I love that. I will post the patch on my blog as well:
The Swiss Gun Blog
I hadn't seen the new ones. I badly want a color version of the Signal Corps patch for my blog.
Do you still have the complete variety of patches for sale and do you have stickers of all of them too? Please let me know in a comment here and tell me how to contact you to buy them. I would probably use payPal to pay you for them if you still accept that. Is the paypal address given above still the same to make payment to you?
Glenn B
Hey! I'd love to display you're Unorganized Militia patches on my blog, with a link so that people can find them to purchase them. Do you object, sir?
Not at all. I have code if you're interested. Just email me.
I sent you an order for three patches. I need some new ones for my range bag -- these'll fit the bill!
Hey are you going to be at I-Gold this year? I might want a patch or 2.
Yes, I'll be there. I'll be up in front of the PCCC. Best place to find me. And I'll bring an assortment of patches.
If you have a tan UMPC Patch left I'd appreciate it if you could set it aside. I'll bring proof of the snuffy turn in that its me! I'll be a bus child Thursday.
Just sent in an order. Would love to have the green UMPC pin in time to wear it at the NRA Annual Meeting!
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