Friday, March 20, 2015


Article touting poll by anti-gun group on how much people oppose CCW 'without a permit' uses a picture from a pro-CCW rally numbering about 5,000 attendees on the same day that same group was in Springfield.  


I just find that bizarre and encouraging at the same time,

Why they would use that picture I still can't figure out.  I mean I know that they have manipulated photos of Bloomie's Notown group's rallies numbering about 200 folks, mostly paid shills since there is no 'membership'. Baffling.

And then think about the poll itself.  CCW W/O a permit.  They're reduced to fighting CCW W/O A PERMIT.  That's how much they've lost.

Speaking of rallies and the slow collapse of gun control,  in an email received from the Brady Bunch, they tout their last 'success'... The first and only nowhere near "Million Mom March" rally in Washington DC.  15 yrs ago.  A year and a half after their  "single largest national demonstration in support of sensible laws to save kids in our nation’s history!"  the organization had collapsed, was looking at an investigation for tax fraud, and merged w/ the Brady Campaign.

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1 comment:

alanstorm said...

"And then think about the poll itself. CCW W/O a permit. They're reduced to fighting CCW W/O A PERMIT. That's how much they've lost."

May they continue to lose.