Wednesday, October 3, 2007

An interesting little video on campus diversity

Indoctrinate U

I'll admit that I didn't experience as much of it as on some campuses but I did see it. In one class, you were always given a lower grade if you were a white male to have us "experience discrimination" while another was run by a former Vietnam War protester who believed any whacked out conspiracy theory by the Gov't and woe to any student who disagreed.

Hat tip to the Breda Fallacy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heard of this being done in classrooms before, either towards a gender or towards one side of the room to demonstrate discrimination. While it may work in a classroom, I think are better ways to educate on diversity issues as our school has begun Awareness Through Performance. It's student-run skits that educate on all issues from race to gender to sexual orientation to ethnicity to religion to ability, plus much more. Here's our blog, but that part is still in the works.