Sunday, September 30, 2007

PSH in the UK


or at least 'register them" (we all know where that leads) is the cry from hoplophobic MP's who need to blame anyone and anything else for their blatant incompetence in controlling crime. Instead they blame Germany for allowing starter pistols to be sold w/o Big Brother involved.

From their police". “When we deal with this [converted guns] we deal with half the problem.”

Really? Isn't that pretty close to what they said when they banned guns in the first place? I guess that's why they have to hide the crime numbers and hope the camera's keep (not) working.

I guess these people have never heard of the wide variety of Zip Guns that an enterprising criminal can make.

Remember folks, this is what IANSA *and the Brady Campaign (a member of IANSA) consider "reasonable restrictions".

And I'ld really like to know what the hell that video link at the bottom has to do w/ the article.

*Note that the IANSA website has an "edited" version of the debate.

HatTip to Dave Hardy

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