Saturday, November 1, 2014


One of the $4.5k sheets for OGRE 6e was for a selection of custom OGRE, some of which were designed to compliment other custom forces such as Vatican Guard, Sons of Old Nassau (both on the Barbarians at the Gates sheet), and Nihon.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sponsor wasn't able to provide them for sale and SJG finally released them to the public for sale

The assembled units. 

Nihon Mk III (black edging):

The name HNYA is short for Hannya, a Japanese female demon of jealousy.

Vatican Guard (purple edging):

Arctic dazzle units (light blue edging):

And a selection of Mk III's; Marauder, damaged Combine, Sons of Old Nassau (w/ black/red/orange edging):

The artwork on these is sharp and really stands out.  I'm looking forward to getting the BatG sheets w/ the conventional units on them. 

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