How can you get the range training to get a permit if you need a permit to use the range? Supposedly the ordinance makes an exception but that begs the question as to the burden of proof required and what kind of liability the range owners will face if someone scams them.
Also that would bar any non-city residents from using it. They're asking for another lawsuit.
H/T to Illinois Carry.
Wouldn't be the first time gov't pulled this sort of shit;
Markie Marxist sez: "It's just common communist sense to put the cart before the horse, when the purpose is to make things difficult for the horse. Of course, people should have to have a permit before they use the range to get a permit. That dysfunctionalizes the process, which is our intention, because we don't like the process. See! We commies know what we're doing! We're not stipud!"
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