Monday, December 31, 2007

Hypocritical Quotes of the Day..

Violence is here to stay, I fear, and some of us will choose to use it to protect the people we love from those who will choose to use it to hurt those people. I’m not into the idea of imaginary supernatural beings who will do the moral sorting. I think we have to do it, or it doesn’t get done. And yes, I do indeed take some pleasure in anticipating the doing of moral good by working to prepare myself for that task.

-Prof Alexander Tristan Riley, Ceasefire PA board member

And now contrast that to this quote from his now defunct blog:

What a blueprint for a culture, that of the NRA. Paranoid people who imagine murderers and evil government agents are at every street corner, waiting to strike at innocents, and therefore arm themselves to the teeth, which legitimately terrifies their neighbors and helps produce exactly the kind of distorted world that the gun extremists believe already exists--i.e., a world in which everyone is deathly afraid of everybody else.

So prepare yourself to defend against the violence that is out there and revel in your "Marshall Dillon" complex but don't use a gun to prepare against violence because that's paranoid and increases violence by creating a "Marshall Dillon" complex.

1 comment:

Jane Know said...

wow. as i've said about him before... classic authoritarian. holds everyone to his strict morality, except himself, of course.