Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Might this be another Cultural Thing..

The Honorable Rev. Jesse "Pass me another cigar Mr. President" Jackson today, fresh from his oh so successful anti-gun protest, was reported to be going door to door in Chicago to beg parents to get their kids to school. He stated it was ironic that he had to do this when 50 years ago, black students faced off mobs to attend school.

Now Mr. Jackson, we all know you're wasting your time talking to the parents. It's not their fault. It's the NRA and all their propaganda encouraging kids to drop out of school and start a life of crime. They pay gun dealers to go downtown and hand out free pamphlets on it for crying out loud. That, plus the mind-control chips that the gun-lobby forced Congress to have installed in all firearms doesn't give these kids a chance.

Put the blame where it belongs.

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