Monday, May 10, 2010

When is a Slippery Slope not a Slippery Slope?

When they're trying to get votes.

Holder on the AZ illegal immigration law:
that "we could potentially get on a slippery slope where people will be picked on because of how they look as opposed to what they have done."
But Holder on 'Terrorist Suspects':
I think we have to give serious consideration to at least modifying that public-safety exception [to the Miranda protections].
And we're all well aware of the support for denying people their rights based off of inclusion on super secret lists.

So where is the "Hope and Change" we were all promised? All I've seen is a continuation of the Bush Doctrine.

This is what it all boils down to " The 2010 census is expected to show a large increase in Hispanic population."

Yeah. Votes.

Unorganized Militia Gear

Unorganized Militia Gear

1 comment:

GunGeek said...

This just goes to show how brilliant the Arizona law is. Wait until after the census count is done, then you do something to scare all the illegals away.

You get all the federal dollars and representation based on lots of illegals being there, then you don't have to spend any of it on them and each real citizen gets a bigger voice in Congress.

Sheer genius.