Friday, May 7, 2010

Is there an editor in the house?

Everybody knows that Bryan Miller's old haunt folded awhile back and he merged with SUPGV(States United to Prevent Gun Violence).

I joined their email list to receive updates so I could ascertain how much of threat they were.

Meh. Not so much.

"States United to Prevent Gun Violence E-News Update

Gun Lobby Thinks Suspected Terrorists Should Be Able to Purchase Guys

Ya, I'm quakin' in my boots too.

Unorganized Militia Gear


Scott McCray said...

Heh -

Scott McCray said...

There was supposed to be a "smirk" in there, too. lol

Roberta X said...

I hear tell you can rent them at the bus station. But they don't rent to wimmen. Oh, BRYaaaannnn.....

Dixie said...

No, this *TOTALLY* wasn't a Freudian slip...

I mean, first they talk about our penises (penii?), now they say we are dealing in male sex slaves?

BobG said...

I think Dixie is on to something.
The hoplophobes do seem to have their thoughts focused in one area a lot, don't they?