Friday, January 15, 2010

‘Like the Redneck NRA Supporters They Are’

Via View From the Porch et al. comes a quote of a cut scene from the officially released screenplay of James Cameron's film Avatar.
TROOPERS issue automatic weapons and magazines to a long line of mine workers. The miners lock and load like the redblooded redneck NRA supporters they are.
If that's what Hollywood types think, then we're doing it right.

Unorganized Militia Gear


Alan said...

Heh. They say that like it's a bad thing...

drjim said...

I must have missed that line in the movie. I'm guessing it was early, when he was getting off the ship in his wheelchair?

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

I don't get the impression that the line is part of the dialog, drjim--I think it was just a bit of editorializing in the screenplay (but I could be wrong--I know nothing of acting and movies and their terminology).

drjim said...

It says that right before the quote.
I thought the movie was visually stunning, but awful thin on plot.
I also thought the whole "Noble Savage" thing was a bit over the top....

Thirdpower said...

drjim. I edited it to clarify but hadn't gotten to making a comment. The links I found it had it on there though.

kaveman said...

Well I'm a little bit pissed nobody told me about this line I could get in.

They're probably all out of machine guns by now.

Anonymous said...

The term "redneck" comes from a description of men who traditionally work outdoors with their hands; loggers, farmers, etc.
This type of work is honest, hard, honorable, toil, and quite frankly is what made America great.
Only in the last 50 years have the liberal elite (whose life styles were made possible ny these workers) has the term gathered negative hype. When I hear the term used, I lose respect for the man who thinks he is superior to the workman. I believe the intellectual elite types are lower on the food chain and are too sumb to know it.
Paul in Texas

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Paul in Texas, your point is well taken. It seems to me that nothing good can come of wide acceptance of disparagement of those who do hard, physical work outdoors.

I have no shortage of respect for intellectuality, but all the great ideas in the world will come to naught without the hard work necessary to turn them into reality.