Friday, May 29, 2009

Random Musings

Watching TV the other night, I saw an ad for a new prescription drug to counter Acid Reflux. As I have regular heartburn I paid attention. Then I decided I would never buy this product.


Because a company that couldn't hire an advertising company that could see the negative implications of the name of their product isn't one I would trust to do quality research.

The name of the product?

Aciphex. Pronounced "Ass Effects".

There was another product a while back for hair removal. Designed in Australia, they obviously used a Australian marketing company. It was called Nads.

I'm sure they were most embarazar when they were told about these little gaffs.


Anonymous said...

How about the hemorrhoid cream "Anusol"? Yeah, that's one I want to ask for at the counter...

They can join drug companies whose ads feature animated mucus blobs on the list of Products I Will Never Buy.

HerrBGone said...

My personal favorite is the literal translation into English of one particular company's slogan:

"Nothing sucks like Electrolux!"

NotClauswitz said...

I guy I used to work with who wrote software systems protocols was going to start his own company... called Protocology. We counseled him to choose another name.

Anonymous said...

So, the Austrailian marketing company got pregnant? I believe tha the Spanish word you are groping for here is "apenar" or maybe "avergonzar". Embarazar can also mean restrict or inhibit but it's most common construal is "to make pregnant". The misues of this word is a common source of amusement among Spanish speakers.

Thirdpower said...


Mulligan said...

Don't call it Aciphex, call it Rabeprazole. It actually works pretty well, better than anything else they've given me for reflux.

of course since it works, and it's not the cheapest thing available, you have to make sure all the cheaper stuff wont work before the VA will prescribe it for you.

David aka True Blue Sam said...

I had bad reflux until September of 2000, when I had Nissen Fundoplication done at Barnes in St. Louis. I never take heartburn medication now. The surgeon who did me has moved to Chicago. If your reflux is bad enough for surgery, contact me and I will send you his name.