Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just Another Day in Chi-Town

Federal charges expected today against Ald. Isaac Carothers

3 arrested, 9 hurt in shooting, chase and wreck

Teen Charged In Brutal Slaying Of 15-Year-Old

Ho hum.

Unorganized Militia Gear


Don said...

Second City Cop pointed out today that Carothers' dad was an Alderman--and that he was indicted for extortion.
It's all in the family.

kaveman said...

People in Chi-town have it easy. They wouldn't last very long in my neighborhood.

Why, just the other day I had a squirrel in my bird feeder stealing all the sunflower seeds and later that same day I stepped in dog shit.

Don't even get me started about that empty beer can someone threw in the ditch down the road.

And then there was...Oh look, something shiny!